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Amazon Sneezes!


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Hi all you amazon owners, have you ever noticed how different an amazon's sneezes aRe compared to a grey? Rikki and Talin sneeze and it's no big deal. When Nilah sneezes, I get wet! She sprays everywhere....it just so happens, she is usually perched on my knee when it happens and I feel the shower all over my face.:( Very strange feeling!

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Sunny my conure can spray all over my face when she sneezes when sitting on my shoulder which has to be something like what Nilah is doing, I haven't noticed that Josey does as she doesn't sneeze often but since Sunny spends a lot of time on my shoulder there is more opportunities for the slight showers I get. I am sure that those from Nilah are more powerful than a conures would be.

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The only time I can remember Phenix sneezing is just after he's been preening. You can certainly hear him but fortunately, that's all. I don't ever remember a wet sneeze coming from him.


Kura has the most delicate little sneezes. But you wouldn't want to be within range. They're not always wet, but she has gotten me a couple of times.


Something's apparently different about her nasal passages. Chewing on some things like loofah or coconut "tickles her nose". She always seems to get water "up her nose" when she's getting or taking a bath, too. :confused:

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