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Visiting the Baby :)

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I think it definitely helps you guys to bond. He is such a little cutie! I would stay with my little Chickie for hours at a time, so I totally understand. :)


I know I apologized to the owners for being there 2 days in a row for Sooooo long each day, and they were like dont be crazy we are glad you come down and visit him so that made me feel good specially since I have to drive a good 100 miles 1 way ... :D

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I LOVE the little red paintbrush-bristle tail feathers. Too cute! Can tell that husband of yours has some workin'-man hands! They made me feel like a slacker for just pounding a keyboard all day. ;)
LMAO yeah hes a mechanic and sadly enough that is REALLY clean hands :rolleyes: ... ty so much for going to the site and checking it out Im so excited to be making it and updating it .. hope you signed the guest book ... :D


awe I love all the stories and pictures and videos You made me smile showing off your little Marco.


he is just so so so amazing to me and seeing him each week grow and change is so much fun! :D ty for going and looking it'll be updated regularly with each visit then course onces hes home lol :D gonna be so much fun! hows roxie doing?

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Aerial and hubby, you guys are going to be great parents. Visit as often as you can... the bonding process is ongoing. I prefer babies to go home around sixteen weeks. ( just me!) If your baby is ready, great, but if baby needs a few more weeks to get baby truly ready, so be it.

A little about Sophie on Sunday.She decided, the day should be " all about her!" It was. If I went to do wash... she was at the top of the stairs yelling " ROM, ROM( rom instead of mom)... whatcha doing? Told her I was doing wash. She was with me from 730 am, to 8pm. She spent a good five minutes trying to regurgitate. I knew it was going to be a big one! I told her, not to work so hard, as I didn't need the calories.LOL! It was a HUGE regurg. I took it in my hand, pretended to eat it and thanked her. She was pleased.I LOVE that Sophie still thinks I need to be fed by her.She shows her love, all the time. Nancy

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This is a great post. I love the updates. I used to visit Gracie almost everyday the weeks before i brought her home. I think this was mostly for me. I mean, I think she got to know me, but the real bonding didn't start until we got home, and the process is still ongoing after about 9 week together. She came home at 18 weeks of age, but I would have taken her earlier had I not have to travel out of the country when she was 16 weeks.

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Aerial and hubby, you guys are going to be great parents. Visit as often as you can... the bonding process is ongoing. I prefer babies to go home around sixteen weeks. ( just me!) If your baby is ready, great, but if baby needs a few more weeks to get baby truly ready, so be it.

A little about Sophie on Sunday.She decided, the day should be " all about her!" It was. If I went to do wash... she was at the top of the stairs yelling " ROM, ROM( rom instead of mom)... whatcha doing? Told her I was doing wash. She was with me from 730 am, to 8pm. She spent a good five minutes trying to regurgitate. I knew it was going to be a big one! I told her, not to work so hard, as I didn't need the calories.LOL! It was a HUGE regurg. I took it in my hand, pretended to eat it and thanked her. She was pleased.I LOVE that Sophie still thinks I need to be fed by her.She shows her love, all the time. Nancy


Well I still have 6-8 weeks more to wait or maybe even longer and hes almost 8weeks now. They wont let him go till hes eating on his own and maintaining his weight for a few weeks which I think is great. They really care about him.

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This is a great post. I love the updates. I used to visit Gracie almost everyday the weeks before i brought her home. I think this was mostly for me. I mean, I think she got to know me, but the real bonding didn't start until we got home, and the process is still ongoing after about 9 week together. She came home at 18 weeks of age, but I would have taken her earlier had I not have to travel out of the country when she was 16 weeks.
Gosh I so wish I lived closer they would get tired of seeing me lol. I was so happy just to go twice last weekend. I cant wait till hes home so that bond can grow :D hope hes as smart as houdini ;)
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Oh My Goodness!!!!!!! I had so much fun today w/Marco. Tomorrow he will be moved into a single cage :eek: wow its really big boy time! The owner Brenda said they are already climbing the sides of the cages WOWIE! Today was so amazing. I brought a few lil foot toys with me today and Im really glad I did. He had so much fun playing with them. I had Marco out and was able to visit with him for 4 hours today! (and I hated to leave!!! :() I also was able to feed him some yummy apple today which just made me so happy! I have totally updated the website w/pics and vids ;)https://sites.google.com/site/marcosperch/home smiles big!

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LMAO I know rite hahahah I kept tryin to move it closer to him and he just reallllllllly wanted that plate !!!!!!!!!!! You should of seen when they put him for the first time in his OWN cage and it had a perch and a few hanging toys in it :eek: He puffed up twice his size had his beak all open and just lunged at the perch and tried to peck it lol it was really cute. He did finally calmed down and accepted it after a few minutes :D I was more excited to feed him the apple :D All in all it was a super great 2 visits

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He is getting SOOOOOOOO Big ..... :D lots more photos and videos uploaded at https://sites.google.com/site/marcosperch/

It was a great visit yesterday and I could see how much the "bonding" is working (if you wanna say it like that) one of the other grey Parronts came in to visit their baby and the baby just didnt look comfortable with them "yet" I think it was maybe their 2nd visit. So it made me feel good that Marco was so calm and interactive with me like he is and they were kinda watching him with amazement. I had him stretched out on the little table he was playing w/toys and just chillaxing with me :D




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did you have your baby dna'd? I havent done that ... dont know that Im going to... dont know that it is really that important, gonna love it either way .. I dunno maybe I'll change my mind lol. Waiting a week seems like foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr nice to know someone else is going thru the same thing too. and Yes they do really change alot in a short time.

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Congrats! What a cutie! He seems to smile in a lot of those pictures! Love your website too!

OH OH OHHHHHHH that makes me happy that you checked it out :D .. its made with so much love intended as like a lil diary ... it was just a thought I had one day that my friend really helped me bring to life ...its just been so much fun doing ... :D :D hope you signed the guest book! I update it weekly with new pics n vids ... FUN FUN !!!!!!!! nice to meet you ;)

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Marco is growing up to be quite the cutie! :) it's really awesome that you don't care at all what sex your baby is-we love them anyways- :)but, just food for thought, it might be a good idea to have him sexed only in case of medical need. From what I understand it can help the vet out a lot to know whether it's a male or a female when/if problems present themselves.

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