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Visiting the Baby :)

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So, I got to go visit the store today and see my lil feller! *sighs happily* He is 5 weeks old and I was able to take a lil 3 minute video of him. The one I am interested in is the one kinda in the back under the towel. However the one upfront sure was watching every move I made and really active. The one in the back kinda laid back! Im sure that will change over the next few months :D so I havent made my decision yet on which one I will definately take! Id probably grab them both if given the chance and money LOL :D

Got more toys today and lots of supplies to make some really cool toys. Got some super neat foot toys too. Starting to stock up a lil bit on some pellets. The petstore lady said you could freeze them :eek: I didnt know!

I got to visit with the babies for like 40 minutes today and have been on cloud 9 ALL day. I even got to bring the cage home today. It sure looked SMALLER in the pet store holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe how big it is lol

heres the vid of the babies: if you wanna see!



Oh and btw :) My name is Sara, I live in Kansas with hubby and 2 grown boys! I dont think I have formally introduced myself yet :D We have 3 dogs, 2 outdoor cats, and 1 horse that is potentially sold :D keeping my fingers crossed and a few chickens! Definately could say a full house lol! :D

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Sara those two babies are adorable and both were intently starring at you so no matter which one you pick you have a winner. They are so cute at this stage with those black eyes and they enjoyed having their heads rubbed. Thanks for sharing the video with us.

Yes you can freeze the pellets but do not buy too much to start with as their preferences can change.

Yes cages are like Christmas trees, they always look bigger once you get them inside but the bigger the better as a grey needs a roomy cage.

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Sara those two babies are adorable and both were intently starring at you so no matter which one you pick you have a winner. They are so cute at this stage with those black eyes and they enjoyed having their heads rubbed. Thanks for sharing the video with us.


Yes you can freeze the pellets but do not buy too much to start with as their preferences can change.


Yes cages are like Christmas trees, they always look bigger once you get them inside but the bigger the better as a grey needs a roomy cage.


Ty Ty and yes I agree I only bought the first bag because that is what they ween them off to and highly recommend using. I am sure as they grow and change if he starts wanting something different she will surely counsel me (lol least I hope she will) Gosh the people there are so great it really is such a relief and even a JOY knowing how much they are truly being cared for and how well.


I can totally see me having difficulty choosing too :rolleyes: I just wanted to take both of them home lol ;) and yes the mega long wait is gonna be a doozie! But I will have time to tinker with the cage and Yes I am glad I got the large one with the play top I think that is really important for them to have that kinda room HA now if I could reach the top w/out needing a step stool that would be great :eek:


thanks for watching the vid .. you have no idea ok maybe you do .. how excited I am. and even more so that i figured out how to post it LMAO :o It was great to be able to call my mom and have her watch it on youtube she was just amazed!

Thanks for all the wonderful helps and tips and suggestions! :D

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(sigh ) !!! baby greys. Great video and you have a hard choise to make maybe.

Now the long wait.


ahhhhhh yes the wait ... *double sigh* I didnt realize until I got home that their eyes would be changing color until I was watching some other videos of greys !!!!! What age does that happen? :D OH and that decision? OMG the petstore owner said this Thursday she will be getting 3 more greys in!!!!!!!!! still needing hand raised but a few weeks older then these 2 (5 week olds) so now I gotta choose from 5 babies LOL ... SHEESH !!!!!!!


But she did say since I got my deposit in and so much of it paid in advance, I get first pick :D :D :D yeah!

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lol well only 1 will be coming home with me ... I havent made the decision "yet" after this Thursday there will be more to choose from and I get first pick :D so in 2 weeks will be the HUGE deciding day and I plan on staying up there for a while and seeing which bird seems to interact with me and hope I make the right decision. :D Im sure any one is going to be amazing ... just gonna be a huge day for me!

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Sara that is wonderful news. How exciting to visit your baby. Awesome video! You are gonna make a wonderful mommy. Toy making is fun isnt it? Michelle
omg been having so much fun making toys and recycling things that I would normally throw out like thread spools!!!!! Now I can use them in toys.


Aerial their eyes will stay dark untill they are about 6 months old and than they will take anouther year or so before the adult color is complete.
ooo I had no idea :D good information ty :D


They are soooo adorable!! Makes me want them both!! Cant wait to follow your journey.

I know right!!!! I totally wanted to take them both home w/me. I cant imagine when I go visit again having 5 there to plaly with !!!!! :D :D I love the pic of your baby in the box ... how fun is that! :D

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I loved all of the sounds in that vid. I'm sure obnoxious to some, but heaven to me (and you, I'm sure). One of the advantages of getting a rehomed bird - no waiting for weaning or having to debate over which one to get. ;) You can't pick wrong, I'm sure. Especially if you let the bird pick you. :D

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Aerial... you can come here to my home anytime you need a fix. Sophie LOVES attention, no matter whom they are! LOL!While we all teach our children " DONT TALK TO STRANGERS", I forgot to teach Sophie that. I went overboard encouraging her to accept everyone in my life. I think if a robber came in, she would lift her foot up.... Nancy

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WOO HOO another great visit with Marco! Just totally loving it. He has made it from the "back" out to a big boy cage with 3 of his brothers n sisters. 1 is still in the back they feel just not big enough to join them. They think they'll keep them all together for the next few weeks and then separate them ALL into their own cages :D I was so excited to get there today and see him OUT in full view. It was amazing to see how many people came in and just fussed over the baby grey cage! *ahhhhhhh big sigh* felt great knowing one of them is mine already ;) Think Im going to sneak back up tomorrow for another visit lol :D Took hubby up today for his first visit with him. I do believe he has falling for that lil guy in just 1 visit. (happens quick!!!) SO instead of plastering lots of pics here I have made a website (well with the help of others) and put the pics THERE as well as several new lil videos! :D YEAHHHHHH! http://sites.google.com/site/marcosperch/home Enjoy ;) If the page says NOT FOUND ... click the HOME link or the Picture Book link and it will redirect you!

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marco 20.jpg


Smiles ... they have moved my big boy out to a cage this weekend! :D I call it his bigboycage! He is out there with 3 other CAG's and 1 is still in back not big enough but will probably be joining the rest out front this week. It amazes me that 3 are already under deposit they are moving fast. Anyways ... here's Marco from this weekends visits and I got to visit him yesterday AND today !!! YEAH! He was sprawled out on a towel walking round on the couch, apparently wore himself right out lol he fell asleep in my hand :eek: it was SOOOOO sweet! 7 weeks old already! They say atleast 6 more weeks! :rolleyes: In 2 weeks they will separate all the CAGs into their own cages ... :D

marco 23.jpg

marco 22.jpg

Marco 21.jpg

Marco 19.jpg

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Sometimes I wonder if visiting him at this super young age once a week is doing any good. I know it does ME good lol and I hope somewhere hes storing the image and sound of my voice in his head. I know his eyes watch me and look straight thru me. Today he chased my fingers on the towel. I stay like 2 hours each visit and just play with him, craddle him and pet him and course talk to him. I hope its enough. Going twice this week was a great bonus :D

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