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For DawL & anyone interested


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I don't know where, but there was a discussion about toys where I said I always end up using these swings for all kinds of things. DawL asked for a pic but I forgot until I went looking for them again today.






Found some industrial size paper towel rolls for $3 at a salvage place in town. They're big & kind of heavy so I'd planned to cut them down. But it was way too hard. Went looking for a way to hang them high enough so they wouldn't get pooped on & safely enough to avoid them getting pulled down on anyone's head.


As usual, one of these swings fit the bill nicely. They'll take almost any size dowel & they're strong. Don't have to worry about the fids being able to chew through them, either.





Sorry it took so long, DawL & I wish the picture had come out better.


Edited by birdhouse
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Phew, good thing I read this. When I started looking at the pictures first, I thought you had not only potty trained your birds but they were wiping themselves as well. Hahahaha, LOL. I love what you did with your swing, awesome toys you have created. Your house is a fun place to hang out.

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