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♥♥♥ Scarlet ♥♥♥


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First off, Scarlet is beautiful, and I am so happy you were able to take her in--she obviously needs a good home after all this time! :(


And about the quarantine (or the lack thereof), all I'll say is that in this one book I own that my husband and I have come to refer to as "the parrot smuggling book" because of all the tragic stories and such in it, there is a nice chapter that talks about some off-the-beaten-track parrot rescues/sanctuaries. One of the ladies had a story of this one cockatoo she took in, and the vets and everybody said to keep it away from the rest of the flock, but she followed her gut instinct and put it in with the other birds. I don't quite recall if it was an issue of illness and contamination, or they were afraid the other birds would tear into the weak newcomer--I can look it up if you really want to know--but she said that the other cockatoos actually opened his little cage and sat with him, as if they really understood he was sick/weak and wanted to help him back to health. So sometimes, perhaps, there are times to bend the rules. Either way, what's done is done and you can only plow forward with love and happiness for everyone, assuming the best; and I do think that really can make a big difference, sometimes more than we expect. :)


PS--I missed the part where everyone said you are 'reckless and foolish'. I think everyone's just happy you're able to help your dear Scarlet!

Edited by MarcusCAG
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Thanks Marcus. Scarlet has been to the vet soo many times in the last year for her feet if she had any other issues I'm sure they would have been detected. She has had to cope with changing households so many times, I think she was almost expecting it. I am glad to see she seems to be settling in so easily, but it makes me sad at the same time. She seems to be expecting or at least hoping for kind treatment, so that makes me feel happy for her. Time will tell what level of trust she is still willing to give. She obviously prefers men, and is such an adorable flirt with Neil. She hasn't decided to come out of her cage yet though.


Today she got startled and fell through her perch "grid". She was having a hard time trying to crawl back up so I had to help her. Gulp! Scaredy cat that I am I pulled my sleeve down over my hand in case she really laid into me. She yelled at me but stepped up and did not try to bite. Whew! When it's just her and I she is perfectly fine with me as long as I don't put my hand too close. When Neil is with her she growls and bites the perch when I come in the room. Then she's fine again with us both being in there together. I can see that being a problem in the future, but right now we are just ignoring it.

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I bought another of the thickest rope perches today to try to fill in the gaps better so she doesn't fall again. The little stinker is chewing on them even though she has toys to chew. Argh. They are starting to get a little dirty so I'm going to have to force the issue of coming out of her cage tonight so I can clean good and rearrange. I have a feeling once she's out she'll be ok with being out. Wish us luck!


Oh and this bird who never said real words for the last year perfectly immitated my husband's very sweet "quiet quiet hon" last night. :)

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I know everyone thinks I am reckless and foolish for not putting her through a separate room quaranteen period. Please understand that I did not make the decision lightly.


Not only is it pointless to worry about what others think when you know the situation best, it's also a little silly to expect the worst. "Rules" are made to be broken as the situation warrants. She was essentially quarantined at CARE, just as my Spencer was 'quarantined' in his one-bird house where he lived for 13 years before I brought him home. It's not like you brought her home from a pet store. Go easy on yourself.



Oh and this bird who never said real words for the last year perfectly immitated my husband's very sweet "quiet quiet hon" last night. :)


Sweetness. Continued good luck, especially with the planned cage outing. Love to Scarlet!

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My parrots were only quarantined on the first day, mostly so the new parrot got to know me first. I wanted them to bond with me first not each other and so I would know a new parrot's personality and quirks. Each did go to the avian vet within the first week, for my peace of mind and for a wellness check.

Edited by luvparrots
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Thanks everyone. Getting her out of her cage did not go well, she ended up falling onto the floor and I felt terrible. :( On the positive side, she did step up onto my arm from the floor. She was so anxious to get back into her cage I obliged. I did manage to clean off the perches with a little brush and she didn't mind that too much. She was kind of ticked off at me today, biting the perch when I got too close as a first response but then forgiving me when I put my face close and talked to her.


I do not know Amazon body language, what is she trying to convey when she cowers down and drops her tail way down? Is that flirty or fearful? She chirps real loud when she does it, and seems to be trying to call my husband or son into the room.


She is very smart. Tonight Lee was playing his guitar and when he stopped at the end of a song Scarlet said so sweetly "quiet be quiet" LOL!!


Miss Kito had a bad feather chewing day even with all the extra attention I have been giving her. I figured her not chewing wouldn't last. It's almost spring, maybe she will stop again soon. :::fingers crossed:::

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Last night I got miss Scarlet away from her cage! I guess it's faster to explain how I did it with pictures.



Eventually she was going out far enough and wasn't quickly retreating back in as soon as I got near. Then I just got between her and her cage and kept asking and finally she obliged and stepped up. :) We carefully and slowly toured the great room and went into the kitchen for a treat.


Tonight went even better and she was less apprehensive and very happy!

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Oh goodness, I don't know how I let time slip by and didn't get to this thread sooner. Be still my heart, Scarlet is a beauty. I am looking forward to watching your experience of integrating a bird of her "maturity", I won't say old age since I am older than she, LOL. Bless her heart for all the changes she has endured until she found you. It will take no time at all for all of you to fall in love... my guess is, it has already happened.

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Oh goodness, I don't know how I let time slip by and didn't get to this thread sooner. Be still my heart, Scarlet is a beauty. I am looking forward to watching your experience of integrating a bird of her "maturity", I won't say old age since I am older than she, LOL. Bless her heart for all the changes she has endured until she found you. It will take no time at all for all of you to fall in love... my guess is, it has already happened.


Thanks Dee. Oh yes, I fell in love the first time I met her. I just couldn't get over how happy and friendly she was in spite of her difficult life. And the boys didn't stand a chance trying to resist her flirtations from the moment they met her either. :)


Well a bird did not crap on a rock and the sun hatched her.

Hahahahaha Ray! She is already so much more outgoing than Kito, and having no experience with zons, I have no idea what to expect!

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Thanks! It is still a bit of a struggle to get her to step up and come away from her cage, but once we get her out in the livingroom she loves it. This afternoon I put a washcloth on the top of the couch and she talked and talked and then sat down and dozed while Lee laid on the couch. She REALLY didn't want me to pick her back up and I had to chase her a bit. Finally she hopped down to the floor and I was able to successfully get her to step up from there. Little old stinker!

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