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♥♥♥ Scarlet ♥♥♥


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Thanks everybody. :) I have always been attracted to Amazons, but their reputation frightened me. I never even would have considered adopting one until I met you wonderful people. I have a really busy week ahead of me, hopefully it will make the time fly until Thursday!

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Thanks Janet, you and Louie are such an inspiration! I do remember he was quite the wild man when you first got him and look at him now. :)


I'm sorry you won't get to meet her Oblivion, but I'm so glad you are going to visit! Maybe you will find a new fid too. :)


It's hard to know what to expect from a 40 year old, I'm pretty sure hormones won't be too much of an issue though. I know she will be set in her ways, but I'm looking forward to learning what those "ways" are! I just want to make her golden years her happiest. Hopefully happiness does not equal biting the crap out of me. LOL!


I'm most worried about her ability to get around comfortably. I've got to buy enough rope perches to make a "grid" so she can get from place to place in her cage easily without falling. At the rescue she prefers to stay in her cage. Hopefully that will change once she's home and settled in, but that will be up to her. Being arthritic, wouldn't it be good for her to move around more? Once I get an idea of what she is capable of I will devise ways to encourage that.


I love the fact that she will "talk" right to you even if you can't understand her. The only noise Kito will make in front of me is a kiss. Scarlet sure sounds like she's trying to say something, and her laugh is adorable. :)

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Having just gone through the emergency vet routine/money vacuum with my cockatiel and facing the upcoming additional expense of daily and monthly meds and regular (3-6 month) checkups, no birds better follow me home on Saturday! I would like to visit some of the macaws, though and 'try them on for size.' Severes seem like a good 'gateway drug.' :D But no, the time is still not right. I'm going going to pick up an aquarium stand, maybe a cage, and to visit ONLY (and I DO need to keep telling myself that :D).


Is is Thursday yet? Is it Thursday yet? Is it Thursday yet??? I can't imagine how (nervously) excited you are!


(Edit to add: Well, I DO have a spare budgie cage . . . )

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Ha ha Oblivion, wait until you meet Holly. ;)

20 minutes to Thursday!

Darn it I should go to bed. I've got everything ready except the inside of her cage. I'm going to buy perches and toys and more food from them to give them some more of my $ instead of Petco.

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Ha ha Oblivion, wait until you meet Holly. ;)

20 minutes to Thursday!

Darn it I should go to bed. I've got everything ready except the inside of her cage. I'm going to buy perches and toys and more food from them to give them some more of my $ instead of Petco.


I know about Holly, I know. :D I've been watching her story over the last few months.


Turns out, I might have a wrench in the works and might not get up there this weekend, but I will make it up there.


Happy homecoming day to you and Scarlet. I hope it all goes well. And that's a great idea about shopping there. When I do make it out there, I'll see what I can stock up one. Also plan on making a cash donation since I can't offer a home just yet.

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She's home! I'll get some pics tomorrow. She's eating her dinner right now and I don't want to disturb her. She makes a really loud parakeet call and I've also heard a car alarm. So far she seems to prefer my menfolk. More later, going to go get some dinner.

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Scarlet is gorgeous! From the picture I am guessing she is a Lilac Crowned Amazon. I only got my Grey 2 months ago, but in the future I have thought about maybe getting a Lilac Crowned Amazon as well. Does anyone here know much about them? Please keep us posted on her. I am eager to know how things go.

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By the time we got back from dinner she stopped doing that really loud chirp (maybe it sounds more like a cockatiel?) and started making more pleasant and comfortable noises. It sounds to me like she is saying "hi there," "good girl," "good good good," and she says "oooh" a lot in a really cute way. The way she said good girl was so enthusiastic. :) She only giggled once so far and that was when she met our 16 year old son. Her eyes pinned quite a bit at him. :) She hasn't moved around much but I'm sure she is a bit sore from the stress of coming home. She did do a fluff and tail wiggle before settling down for the night.


I know it's against recommended protocol, but after speaking to my vet further, the people at CARE, and much soul searching on what is best for everyone I decided to put Scarlet's cage back in the bird room Wednesday morning. Trying to keep the stress levels for everyone as low as possible is my highest priority. Her only health issue in the last year has been her feet. Kito seems warily interested in her, did her happy dance and played with her toys as if she was showing off. I think she likes her. Charlie came and hung out on the side of his cage closest to Scarlets and told her pretty pretty parrot, pretty pretty pretty bird about 20 times.


Scarlet may be a bit thin, but she is over 40 after all and God only knows what her diet was like the other 39 years of her life. I would not want her to be too fat considering how sedentary she is. It took 3 months for her to learn/relearn how to perch and develop the dexterity to do so. All 4 of her back toes the last knuckle is bent backwards. I'll try to take pictures tomorrow.


I cried when they told me she had been passed through many many households, usually only staying one place for about a year. The whole way home I told her I'm going to be her forever Mommy and I'm so sorry it took so long for us to find eachother.

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Oh yes, I'm sure she does. I imagine they are very sad, with some happier times waay back in her past and more recently. I get the feeling she spent a few years in the bottom of a tiny cage in bad neighborhoods. She made an older type car alarm sound when she got a little overwhelmed by too much attention. Her personality is so bright and sunny though. After all she's been through, she still wants to trust. :*)


Today I am going to get even more rope perches and some pvc and vet wrap and devise a way to make a rope bridge to a short little stand to see if she will decide to come out of her cage. Kito will be out of the room then of course. I'm still maintaining a 3 ft distance for whatever good that does. Scarlet really really seems to like our son and was trying to get close to him last night. He is soo thrilled to be chosen as her favorite. :)


I know everyone thinks I am reckless and foolish for not putting her through a separate room quaranteen period. Please understand that I did not make the decision lightly. If any of my fids become ill because of it I will not look for sympathy. I know you don't approve, but I need your help and support anyway. I had a nightmare last night that I took Kito to some sort of bird show at a fairgrounds and was called away on an emergency and when I got back they were judging geese and there were people sitting all around Kito's travel cage and they tried to keep me from taking her back. I woke up crying.


You know what, I haven't found any pieces of chewed Kito feathers in the last couple of days, just a single fluff of down here and there. Probably just coincidence. She's my baby and I love her furiously, but I love Scarlet just as much. I just can't explain how that can be. I wanted her to know that she is HOME and this is her flock now and forever from the moment she arrived.

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