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Need advice on poop issue- should I be worried?


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Hello all!


I know this has been addressed many times on the forums, and there is a lot of valuable information to be had. However, I would really appreciate some advice and reassurance for my particular situation.

Gracie, my 3 year old Grey has always been healthy. Tonight, she had a very very loose poo which smelled extremely foul, like diarrhea or even vomit. It was so loose that it splashed and covered a huge area. I cleaned it up before I could stop and look to see if there was any white in it. She is acting completely normal and like her happy self. Just to be safe, I'm making sure she drinks a lot of water. I am planning on watching her tonight and monitoring her droppings, but I am freaking out a little. Am I under or overreacting? Is this something that happens now and then? I'd take her into the vet, but it's 8 o'clock on a Friday night, and, as I mentioned, she's acting fine.

Thanks for reading and also for any advice or words of wisdom you can give me.

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If this is new, it could just be from something she ate that she never tried before. I have had this happen to my 3 parrots on occasion and it usually is fine within a day. It always stemmed from something they ate that I wasn't aware of. If it continues for a couple of days and she seems to not be herself or her appetite is down, you should see a vet.


Wait until you give her too much watermelon...my amazon pooped what looked like blood for a day and I was so freaked out! My greys poop yellow when they snuck too much cheese...

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Yes certain foods will affect the color and consistency of poops, Josey gets some fresh beets in the summer from the garden and her poops will be the prettiest shade of purple but when you know what you have fed your bird then you are not alarmed by the poops unless you have other people in the house who may give your bird food that you don't know about. They should check with you before offering anything to your bird for some foods are toxic, I am the only one who provides the food for my birds so I know what they get.

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Also, many parrots shit out a lot of fecal matter when they wake up because of a build up that occurs during sleeping hours all night. It's usually the largest amount throughout the day. It's soft, liquidy, off color. Looks like pea soup. Many times, smell has to do with what she ate and how long it's been sitting on the cage floor.

""""It was so loose that it splashed and covered a huge area."""""


That's what'll happen with large soft amounts of fecal matter

Edited by Dave007
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