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Roxie is coming home


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My wait is finally over. Sunday morning we are driving 3 hours to pick up the baby. Then 3 hours back. Long trip and I get car sick but it is so gonna be worth it. Say some prayers for a safe drive there and back please...... cant wait to post pics woohoo

WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO goodness how exciting is that!!! I cant wait to be posting the same thing. Im going to see Marco tomorrow (did I mention hubby hates that name? :rolleyes:) and picking up his cage! Have a super safe trip you wont even notice the trip on the way home and sleep on the way there lol :D you'll be tooooo excited on the way home to notice mucha nothing lol :D omg im so happy for yoU!

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Marco is a nice name. How much longer do u have to wait?
well I thought it was a pretty cool name too :rolleyes: I am not sure why he is having such problems with it. But anyways .. my bird my name HA ... :D Im praying for the beginning of April to be bringing him home. Keeping my fingers crossed! Marco was hatched Jan 6th. So, however long it takes ... I'll wait till hes ready! I want him strong and healthy and eating well on his own and the ppl hes with now will monitor ALL of that ! I saw the last one they raised for another customer and he was gorgeous! I think they are hand raising a total of 5 now ... so I just know that 1 will be mine :D
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Congrats on bringing your baby home tomorrow and just be relaxed and yourself on the way home, don't get too excited or fuss too much or he will pick up on it, just enjoy the ride for most greys do ride just fine, can't wait to see some pictures after you get home.

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