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Besides the bird food.. What else do you give your Grey?


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I tried searching but for some reason the search option isn't working for me at the moment. I'm assuming this has already been covered elsewhere, but any advice would be helpful. I gave her a bit of Oatmeal this morning mixed in with her grapes and she loves it. Any advice would be helpful as pepper is not extremely fond of her food and most of it ends up in the bottom of her cage.

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Really don't know what you mean. Green veggies, some parrot mix, some yogurt once in a while( has good bacteria), some hard yellow brick cheese once in a while. They prefer cheddar. Some clean chicken bones from a chicken's wings ( marrow).

Fruit doesn't really give a bird anything beneficial. It just tastes good. As far as oatmeal, you should try Quaker Oats flavored oatmeal. 10 to a box. All mixed flavors.

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Really don't know what you mean. Green veggies, some parrot mix, some yogurt once in a while( has good bacteria), some hard yellow brick cheese once in a while. They prefer cheddar. Some clean chicken bones from a chicken's wings ( marrow).

Fruit doesn't really give a bird anything beneficial. It just tastes good. As far as oatmeal, you should try Quaker Oats flavored oatmeal. 10 to a box. All mixed flavors.



Thank you Dave007 that is exactly what i meant. She enjoys grapes but i am not interested in giving her grapes everyday. I tried the mash and she didnt touch it. I still have some from yesterday and attempted to give it to her again. She knocked the food dish onto the floor. So i'm assuming maybe she doesn't want anything to do with it. I am making chicken tonight so i will try a bone. Does it need to be a big one? I'm afraid shed choke.

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Really don't know what you mean. Green veggies, some parrot mix, some yogurt once in a while( has good bacteria), some hard yellow brick cheese once in a while. They prefer cheddar. Some clean chicken bones from a chicken's wings ( marrow).

Fruit doesn't really give a bird anything beneficial. It just tastes good. As far as oatmeal, you should try Quaker Oats flavored oatmeal. 10 to a box. All mixed flavors.


Wow, concise response. Thanks for the oatmeal suggestion. Isaac is ga-ga over Cheddar.

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As far as thye chicken bone from the chicken wing-----make sure the chicken is only baked or boilded. No fried. Take the bone which has knuckles on either end. Scrub the bone in some warm water. Try to get the greasy residue off. Your bird will hold bone in one claw and chew up the knuckles then will work his way down. When he finishes the bone all that will be left is the bone shredded into crumbs. Giving bones may not work at first but eventually they catych on. Very healthy. There's thick bones and thin bones. Try the thick bones in the wing because they have fat knuckles at either end.


Concerning the mash---some birds simply don't like it. If you want, you can try other types of ingredients but don't be disappointed if he doesn't like it,. Some birds only like 1, 2, 3 kinds of veggies and some like it fresh and hard.


Concering the cheese---make sure you stay away from white cheeese. hard brick style( like the cracker barrel style) can be held by a bird.


Concerning the oatmeal---fill a coffee scoop and let her eat as much as she wants. When she doesn't wnt anymore, dump the left over and you eat what's left in the bowl ( if you like oatmeal). Also, concerning price----large supermarkets will also sell the generic brand. same 10 pk, mixed flavors. Hypothetically, if the quaker oats costs $5, the generic brand will cost $2.50

Edited by Dave007
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Josey loves cheddar cheese and so does my conure and when they see the package come out of the fridge they go nuts and beg for it, they get a little from time to time, she will also chow down on a chicken bone now and then and oatmeal has always been a favorite.

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Josey loves cheddar cheese and so does my conure and when they see the package come out of the fridge they go nuts and beg for it, they get a little from time to time, she will also chow down on a chicken bone now and then and oatmeal has always been a favorite.


My birds are just lie yours Judy, they go nuts when they see cheese, and always manage to sneak some.

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@Dave0007 - Fruit has sugar which when served proportionality provides carbs for these high energy animals #greyturkey - you may be filling your food bowls too high - 1/3 - 1/2 max otherwise they get "choosy" You may want to try a $1 bag of frozen mixed veggies. put a handful in a cup and slightly thaw by running under cold water. Introduce into the cage while still semi frozen so they stay fresher long. For variations mix with rice and kidney beans - make large container and fill small baggies for daily use if bird likes the mix.

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