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Finally My Hard Work Paid Off :) Pit Bull Terrier v/s CAG


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Hi All...


Just thought i would share this with you guys,


Well I have Spartan now for 2 months…

I also have an American Pit bull Terrier called Storm

For those that believe that these are vicious savage dogs… Think Again…


Obviously at 1st Storm did not like the idea of another Pet being in the house… and naturally Spartan didn’t like Storm as to him Storm is a predator,


So gradually as the day went on I slowly introduced the 2 for a few minutes a day (with Spartan being in his cage of course)

Then I decided to leave the cage open and let Spartan out while Storm was around…(Supervised Of course)


Storm showed interest but stopped her immediately…

This again went on for a while…


Then I decided to take Spartan outside with Storm on a Leash and allowed some distance between the 2.

I then noticed that both where getting a little comfortable…


This morning I got out the Shower… Spartan Flew into the hall way to see us and landed on the floor, Storm decides to inspect…

Guess what! They both just stared at each other for a brief 2nd and Storm just walked away Spartan walked up the bed sat next to us and just chilled out while Storm was still around!


Hard Work and Patience Pays Off At The End!!!! 

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We have a pit also (pit-german shepard, the big puppy). Took (the CAG)'s first word was his name and she still calls him all the time (and tells him he'sa good boy. Then she calls herself a good boy, too). And no, we don't leave them alone together ever but well, here's our situation. Took loves him and we used hold her up to G's back and she will kiss him nicely...then suddenly bite. Our poor Big G will yelp and run away. We don't do that anymore. Poor G


But Took still loves him and she chases him around the house. Poor G. He runs away and she runs after him. We're giving her consequences now for chasing G and she doesn't do it as often. But she does like to stand next him when he's around (He sits on the floor, she sits on couch right above him staring at him with affection.).

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A dear friend lost her bird of 35 years last week to a sudden unexpected bite from a small dog in her house. Strive to avoid any situation where the dogs drive can become engaged. Her bird climbed down on the floor and followed her, she did not see him do this and the dog walked up behind the bird and just bit once very quickly with no warning-heartbreak and self recrimination follow. Horrible traumatic scene to have to live with.

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