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For some strange reason I took an hour long drive Tuesday to an avian rescue. They have a 40 year old lilac crowned up for adoption. She spent much of her life without perches so her talons grow straight up. She is on daily pain medication. Dammit, I am in love.

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Your description and location sounded familiar. That rescue is about an hour away from me as well and I've meant to check it out. They actually have some re-sale items I'm interested in (larger travel cage and an aquarium stand), but I'd like to visit the birds as well (but fear being able to resist temptation). How did you like the place? Are they welcoming of visitors?


I'm curious to see how this story plays out. ;)

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Here's Scarlet! ♥♥♥ I can't wait to bring her home!



Oblivion, it's C.A.R.E. I have adopted from them before. They are wonderful. I wish I were closer and had time to volunteer. I had been tossing around the idea of adopting an untame cockatiel (there's always so many :() to keep Charlie company in the bird room while Kito is out and about. Then I met Scarlet. It is best to call first and make an appointment if you are interested in adopting, but not necessary. They also have a store where they sell toys and food and such. If you have never been to an avian rescue before be prepared to have your heart broken. Seriously. I had no idea. I am in tears right now remembering my first visit.

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Thanks for the info. Yeah, that's the girl I saw online, too, but didn't know if you wanted me giving away details. I hope it works out for you both. There's another rescue about an hour south of me (depending on traffic) - Refuge for Saving the Wildlife in Northbrook, IL. I wish either was closer to volunteer at. I'll definitely make contact with them before a visit. Thanks again for the slight topic derail. Best of luck to you both!

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Oh how exciting. My first zon would have been an lilac zon if I could have found one (sorry Louie) but that was not to be. I can't wait to hear how your adventure goes with Scarlet! Goody, goody, can't wait to hear more and see all those pictures you are going to share (hint, hint)!!!

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Thanks everyone! I spent an hour at the rescue talking to them on Tuesday, so I'm pretty confident the adoption will be approved. I spent yesterday buttering up the family and breaking the news. :) Today I spent hours "spring" cleaning, and brought her future cage out into our living/dining room. I really don't have anywhere in my little house to quaranteen her. Her cage is on the same wall as Kito's but the 75 gallon fish tank is between them, so they are about 8 ft apart. She has been at the rescue for about a year, so I'm not anticipating any surprise health issues. I will not allow Kito any nearer that that for as long as possible, and make sure to wash my hands a lot. I'll post in the rescue room when I get the final approval.

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is there a way you could make her vet check for the day you plan to bring her home? that's what we did with kallie and it worked out extremely well. i did it to minimize the trauma she would already be facing by coming to a new home. she got all the trauma and drama over with in 1 day. so after i picked her up, we headed to the vet, then home. he runs the tests while you're there, so i already knew she was healthy and didn't need to go through quarantine. the vet's office knew she was being rehomed and they were wonderful about scheduling to help make it a smooth, co-ordinated event for kallie and us.

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Thanks, I already thought of that. :) She was just vetted less than 3 months ago, and she is in a quieter room where the boarded birds are so there is less of a health risk. I am still contemplating whether or not it is necessary to put her through another exam. My vet recommends a 60 day quaranteen for any bird coming from a rescue, but I think that is a bit extreme and said to protect themselves from any liability.

is there a way you could make her vet check for the day you plan to bring her home? that's what we did with kallie and it worked out extremely well. i did it to minimize the trauma she would already be facing by coming to a new home. she got all the trauma and drama over with in 1 day. so after i picked her up, we headed to the vet, then home. he runs the tests while you're there, so i already knew she was healthy and didn't need to go through quarantine. the vet's office knew she was being rehomed and they were wonderful about scheduling to help make it a smooth, co-ordinated event for kallie and us.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Miss Scarlet loves the boys. She is fine with me, but she rarely talks to me. The other night Neil was playing skyrim when I brought her out and I've never seen him drop that controller in the middle of the game before. LOL! He tried to give her a treat but she put her foot up to go to him instead. Then when she was comfortable on his hand she said "good boy." She acted like she really wanted to get to his shoulder but we didn't let her. I see lots of cuddling in their future.


Miss Scarlet can talk quite clearly when she wants to. The first night when my husband Lee came in to meet her she said "hi there" plain as day and then "good girl" with such enthusiasm! Friday night we went out to dinner and when we came home she chirped really loudly and wouldn't stop. Lee went to greet her and said soothingly "quiet quiet honey" and she repeated it right back to him. Then the next day he was playing his guitar and when he got to the end of the song she said "quiet be quiet" in a very nice voice. Then we all laughed. If we are having a conversation in front of her she mumbles along in a man's voice saying things like "oh, what ya doing, ok, good good, yeah, uh huh." And then we laugh and she laughs with us.


The only indication I have gotten that she was not always so happy is sometimes when I go in the bird room she will growl and bite the perch but then I tell her she is silly and she's all happy again. Oh and she must have some bad memory associated with raisins because I tried to give her one and she got angry and tried to bite me. Weird. Anything else she takes nicely so far.


She is such a delight. It's hard to believe a bird with such a sunny disposition has been so passed around. We all adore her! I don't know why someone didn't take her sooner, but I'm sure glad she's ours!! I know it's the honeymoon right now, but she's here to stay no matter what may come. :)

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