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Gracie: Unusual Behavior


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My six month old baby Gracie does not allow much touching. I can give her a kiss on the top of her beak, and sometimes she lets me rub her beak a little with the knuckle of my finger. Well today I gave her a kiss and held my balled up fist to her(she doesn't like fingers). She started butting my hand with her beak and rubbed her beak and tongue across my hand. Then she started panting and making little baby noises (similar to begging noises when she was being handfed). This is the first time she has ever panted like that. I don't know how to read this. Any thoughts.


PS: On top of that she has now learned how to open up her cage by unlatching the door that holds her water bowl. UGH

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One of Misty's favourite games is the Boff game where I gently boff his beak with my closed fist as in a mock boxing fight.

He beaks my fist back saying "Boff boff" although his eyes pin he never gets aggressive playing this and is always happy to perch on my finger or hand when offered.

Misty loves to climb up my chest and plant his beak on my lips for "kissy" sessions. I feel incredibly bonded to him when he does this.:D However it is a bad idea to allow his beak into your mouth as you could cause pathogens to be transfered to him. Also if his beak tip catches on your lip or tongue it can be an unforgettable experience and not it a good way:mad:

Misty will allow beak rubs at almost any time but he usually only allows neck rubs when he asks for them with a "Tickle tickle" request.


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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However it is a bad idea to allow his beak into your mouth as you could cause

pathogens to be transfered to him.

Even though it is sweet that your grey wants to kiss you on the mouth you do not want them inside your mouth at all for this exact reason, we have bacteria in our mouths that can be deadly to them so a kiss with closed mouth is preferable. Josey mostly prefers to just touch her beak to my closed lips for kisses though she has tried a time or two to try to pry open my mouth but I persist not to.

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