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I am Back & Coyote Ugly

Guest Monique

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Sorry I have not written. Got back from Nashville Friday and have been busy busy busy getting my house and work back in order after being gone a week!!!


Regarding my title ... No I'm not really Coyote Ugly!!! (I hope not anyway LOL!) BUT we went to Coyote Ugly in Nashville. We had a BLAST!! Not TOO MUCH of a blast since I was entertaining clients ... but a blast all the same! :D.


Has anyone else gone to one of these? What did you think?


It is now my personal mission to go to each and every one.


The next time I am going to one is Vegas October 11th so if anyone wants to come with me I need a friend to go with yet!!! (Another conference).



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Welcome back Monique!! :-)


Now a Coyote Ugly sounds like a Blast as you described.


It would be fun to attend in Vegas Oct 11th, but I for one cannot make it. :-(


It would be a real Hoot if we could all attend one and socialize while having a good-time too!!!


I don't suppose you got an incriminating photo's :evil: ....of yor clients, "OH", look John, here you are at the Coyote Ugly, now how big was the order you are going to place ;)

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I lied it is the 17th I am going!! Good thing I checked my itinerary again :).


Coyote Ugly is a bar which was named after a movie. Or maybe the movie came first and then the bar. Not sure :). But the girls dress up and dance on the bar and try to get everyone else to dance on them as well.


The only incriminating pictures gotten were probably of me. :S

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I guess I’m a prude and not really into bars, but from what I hear the chicks that work at these places are supposed to be hot, right? Well, from the grape vine of the family I heard that one of my step/in-law relatives just got a job at one of these bars in FL, so I'm thinking this is like a backwoods Coyote Bar because she isn't what I would want to see dancing on a bar if I was a dude unless it really would turn into a Coyote ugly situation and there would be arm chewing involved the next morning. :sick: :laugh:

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