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African Grey with missing fingers


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My TAG only has 4 nubs on his right foot and 2 (front) talons and two nubs on his left. This requires different perching options and he can't hang from toys like a lot of other parrots do. His previous owner special-ordered a cage with all-horizontal bars, but I really don't think that was necessary as he gets up and down the vertical bars on his travel cage just fine. Surprisingly, he can even perch on just the wire rim of a cup-holder just fine - though I'm sure it's not preferred to a good perch.


He has no problems eating, just doesn't hold a lot of his food. But he can hold some as well as some toys - he likes to hold a guitar pick in his nubby foot and scratch his head.

Spencer was hatched that way and doesn't know any different - he grew up adjusting to what he has. I'd think the bird in the ad is likely just as agile as any other Grey. I'd be interested if it hatched that way or was injured, but either way, it shouldn't be a big deal.


Also, welcome to the forums.

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This grey needs a loving caring home with special considerations made for it. My biggest concern is why is a 10 week old grey listed on Craig's list.......this bird most likely is not weaned, and not knowing how to care for a baby is dangerous to is life. Scary that that bays owner doesn't care enough about it to make sure it goes to an experienced home. Not saying you are not, I don't know but it's others I'm concerned about.

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This grey needs a loving caring home with special considerations made for it.


But which grey doesn't? ;) Really, missing two toes should be a minimal inconvenience - of course depending a little on which two toes exactly. The only real 'special consideration' Spencer has is a sleeping platform in the corner of his cage, but like the horizontal bars, I don't think it's needed. He sleeps on a perch on his travel cage just fine. And he's only got two toes total. :D


I agree with you on the Cragslist red flag, though. I meant to address it, but forgot to in my haste, so good catch. Of course we aren't seeing the ad, and perhaps the 'seller' would put any 'buyer' through some paces before the transaction, we really don't know. But the bird's age certainly causes concern and thus may lead one to jump to some conclusions.

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But which grey doesn't? ;) Really, missing two toes should be a minimal inconvenience - of course depending a little on which two toes exactly. The only real 'special consideration' Spencer has is a sleeping platform in the corner of his cage, but like the horizontal bars, I don't think it's needed. He sleeps on a perch on his travel cage just fine. And he's only got two toes total. :D


I agree with you on the Cragslist red flag, though. I meant to address it, but forgot to in my haste, so good catch. Of course we aren't seeing the ad, and perhaps the 'seller' would put any 'buyer' through some paces before the transaction, we really don't know. But the bird's age certainly causes concern and thus may lead one to jump to some conclusions.



Yes, of course there is little information supplied in the original posting, thus leaving us all to assume and make guesses, but with warnings. I stand by what I said, having a grey with missing toes requires SOME considerations as far as the perches and climbing structures that a grey with ALL their toes wouldn't have to think twice about. I assumed my reply would be taken in that context. I don't have a grey with missing toes as you, but if I did, I would think differently about some of the climbing structures i have around my house. After all, i wouldnt want to make anything too difficult orrisk my baby falling due to the lack of toes. That is all I meant by my post...

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No worries. It's always going to be a case by case/bird by bird thing. We have differing opinions - that's what this group is about, right? I hope I didn't come off like I was "correcting" you or anything, it wasn't my intention. I have a different opinion, but I'm OK with that. It would probably be wise to err on the side of accommodation, as Spencer's previous owner did, but I still would really be surprised if in the long run, the bird even noticed.


Edit - I really wish I had a video of Spencer hanging from his boing attacking his bells - you might see why I feel missing a few toes is no big deal. I'll try to get one soon.

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A couple vids showing Spencer playing, not with his bell, but a bottle. Don't tell him he's 'handicapped,' he doesn't seem to know. ;)



This one's really dark, but you should be able to see how he can hang from the cage-top with no little issue.

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Fixed 2nd URL.
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