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I need advice pretty please!


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Ok I am really really super excited to go pick up Roxie this Saturday or Sunday woo hoo I cant wait!! But I do have few questions that I need answered. First, the owner tells me that Roxie is used to her cage and I already bought a brand new one. What should I do about that. Should I keep it for a while and let her explore the new one or sell it?


Then I wanted to know how to go about changing her name to Roxie instead of Moxie which is what the owner calls her he says she knows her name. She is 5 months old now. I was wondering maybe I could say moxie roxie and then eventually leave off the moxie part or should I just call her roxie the name I chose for her. Well i originally wanted to name my grey Riley remember? but since her name is Moxie I figured it would be easier for her to get used to seeing Roxie rhymes with moxie.


Also he has her on a mixed diet of seed,veg,fruit and some pellets but I thought it was important for them to have more pellet than other stuff and then some fresh fruit and veggies Which he also gives her. omg!:confused: so many questions sorry

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Oh goodness, call her Roxie is you want and change her cage. New life, new home, new name, all is good for such a young grey. I believe it is when parronts make a big deal out of change that greys get leery. My greys just go with the flow because I do. Be relaxed and so will Roxie! Pictures please as soon as you can!!

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I'll agree w/Janet that a parront's energy levels feed their fid's. But how the heck can anyone be expected to power down w/all the excitement of becoming a new parront? Right? :D


Well, you can't. And you can't lie to a fid because they read humans way too well. And it makes them crazy when we try to convince them that we're something we're obviously (to them) not.


So my suggestion is that you approach everything that's new and exciting like it's a good thing because it is. Don't be afraid, alarmed, obviously concerned that any of it is going to be scary. Be confident & encouraging. BUT be observant & sensitive enough to recognize whatever Roxie isn't comfortable w/& slow down, back up or stop as needed.


If you want to rename her, then just use both together for a while. She's going to be paying extra attention under the circumstances & she'll catch on quick.


I'd see how Roxie reacts to the new cage. If she's interested & comfortable being in/on it, let her spend as much time as possible there before you close her in. Then observe her w/o being obvious about it to see how she does. Being watched can make a fid nervous all by itself. I think it a primal prey animal instinct.


If she's obviously not happy about the cage, then I'd let her stay in the old one, at least for the time being. But if possible, set it up next to the new one so she can get used to using it & eventually be transferred to it, assuming that's the one you'd prefer for her.


Food I'd adjust a little more gradually, maybe. Find out what she likes. Once you understand that you can work w/it to adjust her diet to whatever you feel is healthy.


She is young & she wasn't in her other home for very long. So you've got a really good chance that this will go as easily as you can make it for her. :cool:

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I'll let them check out the new guy while in the carrier & see how everyone acts. If the dogs are relatively calm & trustworthy, then they're just part of being introduced to the flock. But kept at a reasonable distance while the fid settles in. Especially while they're loose.


The less cooperative the dog, the farther away I keep them for the rest of the day. Out of the room if the dog's going to push to get at the bird. Out of the house if the dog's going to start a fuss in another room. I've always had large & giant dogs. Even if they can't see them, new birds often get nervous when they can hear the dog acting like that.


But the dogs live here, too. They came first. So it's a juggling act as to who takes priority & when until everyone learns to play nice nice. It's gone pretty well for the most part. And you may be surprised at the relationship that develops between the two species. As much as I've seen, it never ceases to fascinate me.

Edited by birdhouse
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Oh goodness, call her Roxie is you want and change her cage. New life, new home, new name, all is good for such a young grey. I believe it is when parronts make a big deal out of change that greys get leery. My greys just go with the flow because I do. Be relaxed and so will Roxie! Pictures please as soon as you can!!


this 100%


5 months old should not be any issue. but i am confused the bird is 5 months and the person you are getting her from is not the breeder?

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thebirdistheword... I would decide what diet you would like for your bird. Slowly, mix it into baby's diet. As far as new cage, that is great, and should be the goal to change the cage. It is their domain, and the most important thing to them. I would suggest leaving new baby in cage he loves, leave new cage next to old cage.It took Sophie well over a year, to love her new cage. But now she does! It was at her own pace.

As far as name change, I personally would name her what you like. They adjust quite well to the change. Greys do well with certain changes! A name, will not be the problem. When you alter their gym, or home, it can be a serious problem for them Nancy

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The birdistheword... Nothing much new. Working hard at work. Sophie is doing GREAT! We spent the entire day Sunday together! I am being " forced", LOL, to have a game party in the next few weeks. I agreed, but, anyone that drinks, needs to sleepover. They all needed to understand, "Sophie", may choose to sleep with you. They all are excited to meet her. I am hesitant, but trust my friends. I know Sophie will be thrilled! I'm keeping the invites, to a minumum. Nancy

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Oh, I'm so excited that Roxie is coming home! When are you going to the store? I'm going on Saturday to pick up a couple of things! I know you said you were going to stop in there. I don't think calling Moxie by Roxie will be a problem at all. I would just start out calling her that, she just may think thats how you sound saying her name?? I think it is so great that you are getting her! I remember watching them feeding her at the breeders when I had just brought Dorothy home! I am going to try and find that picture of Roxie keeping Dorothy company in the little box they had made up for them! You will have to post pictures. Roxie's brothers eyes changed to light grey before he went home, probably changed right at 8 weeks, it was so strange! He also talked when he was like 3 mos. yelling "hungry!" at anyone that would listen! He is a character! You will have to let me know if Roxie's eyes are still dark or if she is taking after her brother! You are going to do great, just remember to relax and have fun! Everyone is correct greys pick up on our emotions. When you are calm and show no fear, then the bird will be brave as well. Dorothy is exposed to lots of changes, toys, foods etc. This has really helped in keeping her open minded to changes etc.!

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Awe i am so glad that sophie is doing great. i know what you mean about the damn game. Whoop de doo. I will most likely be on the computer I am not into sports so much. It's good you make them stay over. To many accidents can happen. I cant wait to here how Sophie reacts to all her company lol have a great night I miss you!

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I know Brianlinkles I am so glad I am getting her. It will either be this Sunday or Next Sunday. Not sure yet because I am waiting for my refund check. I still cant get over the story that you have seen my girl before me lol. I am jealous. Wow, I never heard of a greys eyes changing so quickly. Or even talking at 3 months either holy cow. The owner says she knows step up and is very curious but no words as of yet. How far is the store from dayton? It is a good 3 hour drive there and then another 3 hours back. To top it off I tend to get motion sickness when driving so long. To add to that I am on a work leave because I have severe vertigo and I am very unsteady when i walk. It sucks bad. I am only 35 geez I feel like I am already over the hill. lol But Roxie will keep me company and keep my spirits up ;)

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thebirdistheword, If you are coming on a Sunday then the store will be closed. I am not sure where you are picking up Roxie. Dayton is not very big, the store is in Bellbrook. They are open on Saturdays, I believe from 12-5. I know it is amazing that you are getting the bird that shared a "room" with Dorothy! I think everyone was shocked at the changing of the eyes and the speaking from Roxie's brother! Dorothy is about a month older than Roxie, she is quite the vocal lady however I taught her to wolf whistle and I must say the saying be careful what you wish for is sometimes the case. She will do this over and over again! I have now taught her the Andy Griffith song and she will change into that and since it's more difficult she isn't quite as adament about using it over and over!! LOL She is quite the character! I'm sorry you have issues with your health however I can relate! Maybe pm me when you figure out your schedule!

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