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I'm doing this backwards...


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...Maybe not the best thread title but memorable & accurate! I already posted in the main convo forum with my questions and was overwhelmed with the kind responses I have received thus far. To those of you I have met - thank you- and to others I have yet to meet, I look forward to enjoying your company and posts on the forum!


I hail from NC but currently live in TX- it's a little warm for my taste but life here is good, the people here are kind and that is more than I could ever hope for. I have been researching the African Grey for about 4 years now (off and on) and have always been intrigued to add one to my family but have always been daunted by the cost, responsibility, etc. (rightly so, yes?) Fair enough, I think my husband and I were not "settled" yet and ready to care for a new baby but, thankfully, over the last 3 years that has all changed.


I am still researching and have decided I may move forward with a new baby in the near future. I've added myself to a local-ish breeder's waiting list- there's no commitment until the chicks are born but it's good to move forward. I will continue learning as much as I can from all of you wonderful people and whatever other resources I can muster.


Thank you kindly and I hope each and every one of you is having a great evening~

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The initial cost is a lot, unfortunately. Usually the babies are anywhere from 800-1300, depending on the breeder. Then you have to find the right cage-I have heard many people on here say that you should buy the largest cage that is within your budget, and I think that's pretty good advice. There's also deciding what kind, if any, playstand(s) or tree to get, etc. It all adds up pretty fast at first. That being said, the maintenance cost is relatively low, I think. She will go to the vet once a year for a wellness checkup, and besides that now all we have to buy is her Roudybush pellets, veggies (etc) for her to snack on, and toys to rotate into her collection. Like any animal, it can get pricey if they get sick, but I have spent a small fortune trying to keep my 13 y.o. Greyhound going, so I don't see it as being much different. We started slowly buying Chickie's things as soon as we placed our down payment. We got her cage off Craigslist and her tree from Ebay, and both were a pretty good deal. All that being said, she is now my priceless girl and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

As far as responsibilty goes, I found that most of Chickie's needs are met right along with the other furry kids in the house. In the am and pm when the dogs and cat are fed, I also check her food level and water in her cage and on her tree and clean/refresh them as needed. She really isn't any more work, in my opinion, than I already perform daily for the other animals. If I notice that she has dirtied her water throughout the day I will of course clean and fill it then too. I clean her cage and tree papers when I clean the litter box. When we eat dinner she usually eats with us, and whenever we walk by her tree and have food we usually offer some of it to her-in an attempt to try to keep her always "trying new things." Whenever I go grocery shopping I just try and grab a new fruit or veggie, baby food, etc for her to have as a snack and that seems to work pretty well. I think a lot of the "responsibilty" of having a grey lies in being sure that you are an informed owner. I am new to greys, so I am still constantly reading everything I can so that I can be a good mommy to her. It sounds like you've really done your homework though, and that's the best kind of mom a bird can ask for. :)

Edited by Life is Greyt
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In my experience, a new baby grey, likes a smaller cage. BUT... then they need a bigger cage, don't want to make the change! OH BROTHER! I think it is important, to start with a cage they can grow into, but not too big, that they are uncomfortable with. Whatever cage you start with, plan on this cage being there for many years. Greys WILL adopt many changes, but DONT mess with the cage! Been there! Nancy

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@Life is Greyt: It's a daunting process (the research) but I really see this as an exciting time for learning. I can't tell you how valuable the forum has been for all of my research- there are so many good ideas and every time someone has an issues and takes the time and courage to post it, well, it's always something to learn from. Thank you for sharing your experience! We have a lot of similarities, I also have furkids, a normal routine for all of my animals and a pretty normal, solid house life (the last bit auto corrected to "housewife" which is also true). I've always dreamed of having an African Grey and my husband is (surprisingly) the one who has been really charmed by them. At least I know we'll be able to work together in the name of socialization and care taking~


I will continue all of my research and thank you so much for your help! ^^

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So hey there AmyJ and welcome to the Greys Forum.

My little baby as you can see is only about 5 weeks old. I have been doing my research for months now as well. Finding this website was a godsend! The help and information shared by these good people has been tremendous! I am so thankful to everyone here.

In my down time (waiting on my baby) I have been stocking up on "things" Yes I did buy a cage (a gorgeous one I might add) and it was fairly expensive, however the stand and shower perch and stuff I am lucky enough that hubby and my crafty neighbor will be making. Heck I might even have them make me a huge outdoor cage so when its nice out we can go sit out there! (I haven't asked yet *grins* so shhhhh dont tell them I want that yet) *giggles*

You sound like you are doing everything right in order to be a great parront :D and I wish you lots of luck!

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Hope this helps. My birds favorite cage, is one that has a " flat top", with two food and water on the top. ( stairs leading to food.) It took Sophie a year, to accept her new cage. Took her old cage away... she hated new cage, moved back her old cage, she said " no thank you", moved in with Kiki and Sunny. Took her well over a year to love her new cage. Past month, she has FINALLY decided she likes her new cage. Its a palace! BEST... is not always better. They truly don't understand upgrading a home. I still can't move in new toys. She wants toys only on her gym ( which is 12 years old!) I would LOVE to upgrade her gym. But can't. We keep rebuilding it.Sean, has had to rebuild, to the best of his abilities. Today, I was hanging out with Kiki and Sunny, Kiki started chasing Sunny around, ( she is VERY hormonal lately). I heard Sophie slide down her metal gym... jumped between Kiki and Sunny. Never a word. Sunny climbed behind Sophie.Sophie never said a word. Kiki stopped.It was an amazing moment to witness Sophie, being responsible for the animal kingdom. Nancy

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AmyJ I would go with the bigger cage your baby will grow into, you can always put perches lower to start with and pad the bottom with blankets or towels to cushion any falls for they will need the room when baby stage is over. You don't need to purchase another cage just for the transition period unless you want one to use for a sleep cage as some members here do for their greys but you will need a good travel cage for vet visits and outings. I recommend using one to take your grey to places with you so they do not associate the travel cage with just vet visits as they may not want to go into it for they know where they are going, make using the travel cage as a happy thing to do.

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It is always a good sign when someone is researching through forums before bringing home a parrot. It is a tremendous commitment, so Kudos to you, I don't think you are doing anything backwards! I happened in to find my baby before I found the forum, but in the months of waiting for weaning, I was ready when he was. This forum is more than just a bunch of people sharing, it has been like family to me. The rewards of having a grey in my life is often surpassed by the joy of the support of our forum members. It is a win-win!

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It is always a good sign when someone is researching through forums before bringing home a parrot. It is a tremendous commitment, so Kudos to you, I don't think you are doing anything backwards! I happened in to find my baby before I found the forum, but in the months of waiting for weaning, I was ready when he was. This forum is more than just a bunch of people sharing, it has been like family to me. The rewards of having a grey in my life is often surpassed by the joy of the support of our forum members. It is a win-win!

I totally agree with that :) FAMILY!!!!!!!!! I come here and you all just "GET IT" you feel it, you know it. Everyone else round me lol just doesnt and they think Im crazy :rolleyes: so this is definately an extended family to me even before my baby is home!

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Sounds like you have a house full like I do! But I think slowly my household may be decreasing. I have someone interested in the horse (AMEN!!!!!) He will be going to a wonderful home with 7 other horses to play with :D and get rode ALL the time ... gonna be great for him. AND ... I think my 2 boys will be moving out :eek: My oldest is buying a modular home and moving it in so gonna be plenty of room for my new baby :D

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  • 3 weeks later...



An update. The breeder has ended their breeding season early which means no baby grey for me- at least from them. I was really excited so it was tough to hear but I'm sure if I investigate further I can find another, wonderful aviary. Thank you to everyone who has been leaving kind and supportive comments! It is an exciting time but it's also really kind of tough to find breeders. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations I'd love to hear them here or in a private pm! Thank you all. <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I kind of gave up my search for an African Grey baby to call my own atm. We've had a lot going on in our home and a little remodeling being done- converting our sunroom to be part of our living room. That's almost not relevant.... almost. The other day I check in with the crew manager and apparently he said one of the men had a parrot land on his head and hop onto his arm. They managed to towel it and place it in a box. I was beside myself because we've had chilly weather (winter in Texas, you know, so it's not cold- it's chilly) and I had no idea if it was actually a parrot or not.


I peeked inside the box carefully so as not to upset whatever was inside... and it was a little lovebird! He was exhausted and had his head tucked but appeared to be in really good shape. I asked the crew manager if I could keep him and he, of course, said sure. I knew what the bird was and have had little guys in the past. I got him inside, warmed up, he took food and water from a dish. I ran out and got all the provisions for a little bird and began checking the parrot911 lists, craigslist, contacted local vets and everything else to see if someone had lost a little love bird. (S)He's obviously been someone's pet though he remains hand shy... and, well, shy in general. He/she bit the tar out of me when I moved him from his box to his new cage- he didn't draw blood and took him a bit to ramp up the biting from "I'm annoyed" to "put me down!" I didn't react and calmly got him into his new cage.


No doubt, he has been through a lot. This is day three so I will keep you posted as to what happens. I'll keep looking for owners because he has obviously been someone's pet.


He's loving the sun, sleeping, being warm and having unlimited food and water. ^____^


So I have a bird anyhow- not as I expected and almost completely unplanned!

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