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safety question


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hello i would like to say thanks for all the wonderful advice given on this site. i joined last week and it's one of the best things i have done. my question is i will be getting a baby grey in 4-7 weeks. i would like to use flannel material and towels in my bird cages. is it safe,and is original tide laundry soap and downy softener okay to use in my washer. this is all new to me and i want my birds cage and my home 100% percent safe for when the little guy gets here. any help would be appreciate.


thank you

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I use the same detergent, but skip the fabric softener as it can be quite potent to breath. Birds have a highly sensitive respitory system and should be kept away from chemical fragrances and scents. I would put soft bedding like you suggest in the bottom of your baby's cage. I have a 7 year old grey that occasionally has night terrors and falls out of her bed, so I keep a towel folded in the bottom of her cage, but do t use the dryer sheet on it. Stat away from the fragrant detergents etx. And you should be fine as long as there is ventilation around the cage.

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