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What to do about a small cut


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So this morning I went to take my Timneh Grey out of his cage and I noticed he has a small cut in between his legs. The bleeding seems to have stopped, and it doesn't seem that large or anything, but I'm not sure what to do.


I have no idea how he could have even cut himself there. I suppose he could have hit the grate at the bottom of the cage, but he would have had to land at a very specific angle for both of his legs to go through. He's still young, so he takes the occasional spill, but most of the time it just results in a loud "thud" and he gets up like nothing even happened. I'm wondering if maybe I should remove the grate from the bottom of the cage, although that would open him up to walking around in anything that falls below and would make him more prone to infection.


Is it possible for a simple impact, like on the kitchen floor, to split open the skin along his abdomen?


I'm also not sure how I should be treating this. Should I wipe the area with a washcloth? What if the wound opens again? Should I deter him from poking the area with his beak? How long would this take to heal?



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It occurred to me that there is also the possibility that the blood is coming from a broken blood feather. The cut is on the underside of his belly where the feathers are pretty small, so it would be surprising for that much blood to have come out.


Regardless, is there anything I would need to do differently to treat it?

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It could have come from a broken blood feather for the remaining shaft left behind can funnel it right out but since it has stopped he should be ok. You can look him over more carefully and see if that was the cause or if he actually has a cut on his leg but you can use some 100% aloe vera jel on it to soothe it, you can buy it at any pharmacy or Walmart, it is more commonly used for sunburns.

He should take care of the feather himself or if you have any doubts you can always consult your avian vet for advice.

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I'm sorry your baby his given you a bit of a scare... Marcus has cut himself a time or two on his cage (on his forehead, above his eye) and I just put a tiny bit of ACV in his water to help ward off any infections and spritzed him down with a squirt bottle filled with aloe vera juice and water to rinse the cuts. (It was warmer out and the cuts had already basically stopped bleeding.) He healed up on his own within a week or so.


Green leafy vegetables and other fresh produce should supply all the nutrients and things to help the process along that is needed.

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So this morning I went to take my Timneh Grey out of his cage and I noticed he has a small cut in between his legs. The bleeding seems to have stopped, and it doesn't seem that large or anything, but I'm not sure what to do.


I have no idea how he could have even cut himself there. I suppose he could have hit the grate at the bottom of the cage, but he would have had to land at a very specific angle for both of his legs to go through. He's still young, so he takes the occasional spill, but most of the time it just results in a loud "thud" and he gets up like nothing even happened. I'm wondering if maybe I should remove the grate from the bottom of the cage, although that would open him up to walking around in anything that falls below and would make him more prone to infection.


Is it possible for a simple impact, like on the kitchen floor, to split open the skin along his abdomen?


I'm also not sure how I should be treating this. Should I wipe the area with a washcloth? What if the wound opens again? Should I deter him from poking the area with his beak? How long would this take to heal?




You should also have this around your house--



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