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Hello to everyone,


My name is Clarhe and i,m going to be getting my new baby grey next Wednesday :)


I have had a grey before but it was quite a few years ago now so i,m a little scared and nervous about making sure i get it right with my baby. I really hope i can get some sound advice from the more experienced grey owners once i find the relevant thread for it.


Till then i would like to say a big hello to everyone and i look forward to meeting you all soon.

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Hi Talon,


I do believe he is 14 /15 weeks old will find out for sure when i go pick him up, but i have no idea what tag or cag means. He is from a local breeder with a very good reputation round these parts, we have spoken none stop on the phone for the last 2 weeks but i havnt been able to go see him at all as my husband is the only one who drives and unfortuntley he had to pick this last 2 weeks to cover holiday shifts at his work *shakes fists*. But as soon as i have him i will deffintley be visiting and leaving some pictures in your nursery room :D

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Hi Clarhe and welcome to the grey forum. We all love pictures.

As far as cag and tag the Congo African Grey or CAG is the larger of the two species with a red tail and the tag is a little smaller of the two but they are both great compaions and both are good talkers.

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Hello Clarhe and welcome to our family and congrats on your new grey baby Bob.

Be sure to read thru many of the threads in the nursery room for ideas and suggestions for your new arrival and yes Dave will be glad to answer any questions and no he will not be hiding from you on Wednesday onwards, Dave is an encyclopedia of information on greys, baby greys and grey behavior.

We would love to see some pictures of Bob when you get the chance to get some.

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Welcome Clarhe, and Bob! You will be picking your new baby up really soon! Congrats to you. We would love to see some pics after you get him home, and settled in....and be sure that when he gets older you get a video of him saying his name....Or maybe the Spongebob song changed to "Grey Bob Feather Pants"! LOL

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