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body language question


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Hi everyone! I have a body language question about Jimbob. What does it mean when he holds his wings away from his body (but doesn't, like, lift them or anything) and starts making excited little baby noises, as well as running to and fro on his perches? I was talking to him the other day while he was in his cage, and he started doing this. I thought it was SUPER CUTE, but I don't want to encourage bad behavior or anything, you know.

Thanks in advance for your answers!!!

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You don't say if he is directing this behaviour at anyone. Also how old he is.

I have had Misty (COG) since he was two and he started doing this at me after he had been with me about a month. We had become good friends by then. I assumed that it was some kind of sex display. Now about six or seven years later he still does the wing thing when he is sitting near me or on my knee but without the sound effects. I have come to the conclusion that now it his his way of telling me that we are good friends and how much he admires me. I could be wrong but it works for me.:D



Steve n Misty

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My three parrots do this all the time. When I come in to feed them in the morning or to see them, they drop their wings and start talking and moving around. They are happy to see me for their breakfast or just to get out of their cages. They are all rather young, 10 months to 4 years in age, so sex has nothing to do with this. There is nothing wrong with your baby, just happiness/excitement. I believe there is a body language thread in the Health Room that answers lots of questions about greys' body language.

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