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Lions and tigers and HORMONES?


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Living with Shadow has been incredibly rewarding. I find I learn something new each day. She has taught me to be patient and understanding and she makes me laugh when I might not feel like laughing. Well, it looks like I will be learning something else......hormones.


This is definitely new territory. About 2 weeks ago, Shadow became very "busy" she destroyed her play box and became very focused, almost driven in her desires. She also became defiant and yet more loving all at the same time. The I sat back and evaluated the situation. Her box had been carved into a perfect "tree hole" and she was not actually trying to eat my antique hoosier cabinet, but was trying to gather the fluff off the dog bed under the cabinet. This is a girl on a mission!


I am assuming she has entered a season of mating? I have since removed all things that could be used for nesting and followed the suggestions from a recent post (thank you for the cockatoo link).


What I am wondering, is it a natural behavior for Greys in the wild, to spend so much time on the ground during mating season? Shadow rarely sits on her perch...any perch. She is instead wandering around on the floor like a ground bird. I am very intrigued by this behavior.

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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about this (I very well could be!), but I remember reading somewhere that Greys have clutches of eggs that are often larger (in number) than those of other parrot species because they have a tendency to be destroyed rather easily. I assumed this was because they laid their eggs on the ground/closer to the ground than other parrots, so maybe that has something to do with what your little girl is doing. ^^

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Thank you MarcusCag....28 views and no response, I was getting worried. I wondered about the same thing. I know Greys are one of the few parrots that actually forage and feed on the ground. I wondered if perhaps there was a favorite nesting material on the ground or maybe part of a mating ritual? It is so funny to see her wandering around after all these months of perching. This morning she was after the fluff on my house slippers...and they were on my feet!

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I really wish I knew more about grey's habits in the wild. Although I've researched it I've never been able to find much in spite of the fascination people have w/them. Would love it if someone posted a really good field study.


This is a hormonal time of year for a lot of our fids. Fortunately for me, Phenix has never been partiularly effected. Now that he's older, I barely notice the difference.


He always spends time on the grate in his cage. He likes to play on the floor, too. His favorite place to hide is under the couch (good place for a sneak attack lol). So I wouldn't necessarily see any changes there. He used to chew up everything in sight. But he quit that a long time ago (thank you, thank you!). He does get more active in general, though.


He actually gets sweeter, too. He's not a "lover". He doesn't regurgitate. He's just busy being charming. I'd really look forward to this time of the year if my ekkie didn't go bananas.


Dave007 would probably be the best one to ask about how to handle things w/Shadow because he's a breeder. Maybe you could shoot him a PM.

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Thanks Birdhouse...I have done just that. I will also ask a friend of mine that breeds to see if she knows of anything concrete or has experience with the foraging. Inquiring minds want to know! :)


I will be sure to post if I come up with anything. It is sad that there isn't more info on the greys in the wild.

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