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Wassup louie!!!


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So what has Louie been up to????? (see video)




Louie has also become a shoulder parrot, which for all of you who know Louie, is a great accomplishment!

First on to the shoulder............. 017.JPG

But then the nibble............... 015.JPG

and then, of course, the NO!!!!!! 014.JPG



So Louie is advancing by leaps and bounds into a trusting and possessive zon!!!!! My daughter, Donna, is becoming a real fan of Louie's and has said that if he learns to say, "Hello Gorgeous" when she enters the room, Louie will have a new forever home!!!! LOL!!!


Edited by luvparrots
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Louie looked determined to get at that picture on the wall but he was having a great time swinging on his boing.

I knew Louie would come around one day and be more sociable and Donna may just have herself an amazon later in life, good job Janet with Louie, has he come to sit on your shoulder too?

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Yes Judy, Louie first landed on my head or back and then shoulder. It has to all be on Louie's time and at his speed. As long as no one tries to touch him, Louie is a happy camper. Louie now lands on my grandson, the young man next door just about everyone who enters the house. As long as he is in charge and no one touches him he is happy. This is Louie's song:


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Janet!!!! WOW WOW WOW! I am so happy to see Louie on your shoulder! I couldn't believe my eyes! I knew he would make ity there eventually, but so fast! That is fantastic! All thanks to you and your incredible patience with him. :)


I lOVE the video, Nilah always pulls my pictures off the walls onto the floor, how do you have them so strongly attached? Also, is that grip net in front of your window? How does it work, my birds go onto my windows and chew the wooden parts, does it keep them off perhaps? I would imagine they like the sunshine while on the net.

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Hey Penny, the boing is far enough away from the picture that Louie has to really swing hard to touch the frame. It is also glass framed and quite heavy. Louie has tilted the picture so I have to watch him very closely. I may have to move the picture if Louie doesn't soon tire of touching it. The netting in front of the window has now been removed because Sterling was biting my venetian blinds all to pieces. I had a half covering over the top of the window to keep Sterling from chomping them to pieces but he kept taking it down (darn those strong beaks) so I abandoned the half curtain and just took the net down. I have three boings in the office so every birdie is happy swinging away.


I can't really take too much credit for Louie's new lease on life because it is still all on his terms. He is actually getting over-confident and now procrastinates when it is time to get into his cage. We now have a small "Nilah" battle at bedtime!!! (quit smirking Penny!!!!) Also now if I flick my shoulder to get Louie off when he nibbles my ear, he just digs in with his claws and holds on tight. Louie has become much more confident. So we will see what happens on Louie's journey. Whatever happens, he is so worth all the time and effort it takes to be his friend.

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