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Thinking of adding a new CAG to my Flock...help?


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Today on CL I found someone wanting to rehome their CAG. I called them up and we talked a bit as well as I asked a lot of questions. The price is right and the people seem like they aren't hiding anything and definitly want to find her a good home.


Here is her problem. She was handfed/weaned by the women/mother of the family. Currently she is the only one who can handle her. She does not like her husband or the kids(so says the husband)The husband said she bit him once and he hasn't tried to handle her since(she drew no blood though) He was very cautious to say that he is not sure how she will do with a new owner. I believe through some touch training/clicker training I can build trust and a good relationship with her. My current CAG Ajax was not hand tame when I got him and it took a week straight of clicker training to get him used to my finger/hands and after 2 weeks he was stepping up on command about 80% of the time. Now he steps up 100% of the time and is my sweet boy. Do you think through training and patience I can get her to trust me and accept me as her new owner? I know greys tend to attach more closely to one person in a family but since it's just me in my human flock I'm not worried about it too much.

Do you think I'll be able to handle this bird? Any tips on a smooth transition to my home?


Off Topic:

I think it's so sad when people get tired of their birds and post them on CL.I'm always seeing Macaws,greys,cockatoos etc for people who don't have enough time to give them or just flat out tired of them. Don't they realize they are not dogs? (In fact most are SMARTER than dogs!) They live longer and require special care that no one seems to take in to account when getting a BIG bird!

I knew when I got Ajax that he will live to be 50-70years old. I told my mom when I draw up my will he will be in it! She exclaims "don't you dare leave him to me!" ...she's not a bird person lol

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How old is the CL bird? I'm not an expert, so will refrain from doling advice, but my guess is that you won't know until you try. :)


And I know what you mean about CL, etc. And some people are so CASUAL about dumping a bird. Boils my blood. I just saw a 2 yo B&G listed the other day. Can you say the honeymoon is over? So sad. I have a cat, and I don't like cats, but she's here 'till death do us part!


May you choose wisely!

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Most of our flock is made up of rehomes we adopted through Craig's List. They've all come with their baggage but, with enough time having passed now, we're really starting to see them all come into their own. It's really beautiful to see... Just because this Grey is very attached to its present owner doesn't mean that it can't form a meaningful bond with you someday, too. I like to think that, even if it would have been better if all of these 'secondhand' little ones had been able to stay in their respective first home as a forever home, and been loved by their original human flock and cared for properly, they certainly could have done worse than ending up with us. And that's the thing. How many people out there are really willing to put in the time and effort, dealing with bites, plucking, and etc. for who knows how long, all while caring for these creatures in a loving, knowledgeable manner? Not many! So if you know you can give this CAG a great home, and a forever home, regardless of how long it might take them to learn to trust you, then I think your answer's already there staring back at you. :)

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Thank you all! I'm definitly more confident that I can take on this bird. I'd rather take her than have some random person who knows nothing about birds buy her and her have a horrible next 10years....I don't currently have the entire asking price they want but they're willing to take a deposit and hold her until I can come up with the rest. Let's hope they don't sell her in the meantime! *crosses fingers*

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******Don't they realize they are not dogs? (In fact most are SMARTER than dogs!) They live longer and require special care that no one seems to take in to account when getting a BIG bird!**********


Now now, lets not get into who's smarter. 2 different types of animals, 2 types of clasifications ( wild--domestic) 2 totally different types of talents. I've never heard of a seeing eye african grey nor are they absolutely loyal. People have totally different problems concerning the 2 types of animals. I can guarantee others that any dog living in my home will never have that "one person* favoritism but if it did exist, that dog would.nt bite the unfavored person. I do know my dog will protect my birds but I can't say the same for the greys. The length of time that they live doesn't have anything to do with the quality or intelligence they have. Actually, what you're saying has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

I absolutely know that my greys can definitely smell Teflon but they can't be taught to smell drugs or cadavers or bombs or guns.

Edited by Dave007
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Dave--In all fairness to Ajax--I don't think she was demeaning dogs or comparing the relative value of each species. I surmise that she just gets frustrated that many prospective parrot owners don't do proper research and don't know what they are getting into. Too many precious birds are rehomed because many expect a parrot to be a domesticated dog in feathers and when that doesn't materialize the bird suffers. I don't mean to speak for Ajax, but that is how I interpreted her post.

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Dave--In all fairness to Ajax--I don't think she was demeaning dogs or comparing the relative value of each species. I surmise that she just gets frustrated that many prospective parrot owners don't do proper research and don't know what they are getting into. Too many precious birds are rehomed because many expect a parrot to be a domesticated dog in feathers and when that doesn't materialize the bird suffers. I don't mean to speak for Ajax, but that is how I interpreted her post.


I don't comment on what a person is thinking, only what's being said especially if it's said as a fact which was done that way.

Precious birds are rehomed because of ignorance??

Think of all the precious dogs and cats that are in pounds, shelters, CDCs waiting to be euthanized. They have no future. Only a very sad depressing death and no one gives a damn.

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People suck....it's no secret. We are not evolved enough as a people to handle the results of the things we do in life as a people. Our reach far exceeds our grasp. Until we self destruct. Coming soon. Quite honestly, the whole notion of keeping life as pets is a questionable when I really think about it. (And I know there are the few and the strange of us that treat our pets as well as we would our own children...so I am not addressing the forum population). You can't solve all the problems that stem from condoning it, so is it really a good thing?

Edited by Elvenking
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