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Does your zon prefer to walk or fly

Ray P

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I think we covered this subject once before, but for the new members with a zon it might be intresting.

I know luvparrots blue front zon Louie loves to fly and she has a place all around her house that they can fly to. On the other hand my blue front zon Cricket loves to walk and climb over flying. She is fully flighted and will fly from time to time about twice a month. She would rather walk or climb to the place she wants to go or ride on your shoulder to get there.

She will climb down one chair and walk across the room on the floor and climb up what ever it is, a cage, chair her tree stand, what ever.

What is your zons mode of prefered transportation ?

Edited by Ray P
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Great topic! My YCA Nilah prefers to fly. She does enjoy walking around on the floor Tory and chew the woodwork, but I try to discourage that of course. Also, we have 2 I door cats, 2 bijons, so I don't trust any bird being on the floor. My greys sometimes like to be on the floor, but again, I discourage it.

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Well all 3 of mine are flighted.


Well Chili Pepper (Double Yellow Head Amazon) loves to fly but only very recently has he started to go to the floor and walk around. He will only go to the floor in his birdroom and not in any other part of the house. He must feel pretty comfortable there-lol

Slater my (Congo African Grey) would never be caught on the floor and prefers to fly

Maccardi (Red Fronted Macaw) hardly flies or walks. Only flies if spooked.

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On the question of flight or walk, it probably depends a lot on the age of a parrot. Mine are fairly young. Louie, the zon, is just 4 years old, Ana Grey, 3 1/2 years and Sterling is just 10 months. The older ekkie I re-homed was a floor walker all the time. Sully was at least 11/12 years old, perhaps much older. My flock do land on the floor occasionally and take a few steps but can fly almost straight up to a hanging ceiling perch no problem. They are all very strong flyers and are out all day long going from room to room. My flock is very lean and healthy with all this flying around. Although I have a pug, Lily is 11 years old so not much of a threat to my birdies. In fact, my pug will normally leave a room if the flock shows up so she can have peace and quiet as my parrots are a noisy and boisterous bunch.

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Pancho, the amazon, is fairly new to our house and timid. He mostly hangs out on his cage, although he has started exploring and flying places. He flies about three times a week. Yesterday, this is a first, he tried to follow us out the door and flew into a window. He did not hurt himself which I am thankful for. He didn't really smash into the window, more like tried to land on the ledge and missed. He is sweet and timid and I hope he flies more in the future. He sees his other two parrot buddies, CAG and Quaker, fly everywhere and all the time, and I think it must influence him somewhat. I wish him freedom from fear. I hope he finds confidence and delight in our home.

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