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well dang it!! lol


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last night kallie just cracked us up! i posted before that she was playing "scientist" by being so interested in watching shredded paper falling. she'd watch and ponder each piece as she dropped it before continuing her fun. well last night i think she had her first "well crap" moment, hahaha!!


she tore off a big piece of paper and let it fall. it landed in her water bowl. she shook her head in a "double take" and her body language was the equivalent of "well crap, that's not what it was supposed to do!". she literally charged angrily over to her water bowl and jerked the piece of "offending" paper out of the water and dropped it again, but it landed in her play bucket! she fluffed out her feathers and glared at it! so she took it from the play bucket and dropped it again. this time it went where she wanted it to. but she stayed where she was, staring at it for a few minutes almost like she was "daring" it to move! then she looked at us and said "what?"!!!!


she doesn't say many words, but her body language, the way she moves, and the way she'll angle her head over different things says it all, lol!!!

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the way she said "what?" just had me almost in tears, lol! it was this pert, short one word that seemed to express her displeasure at the piece of paper and at the same time sound like she was thoroughly disgusted with our amusement and laughter at watching her put that piece of paper "in its place"!!! hahahaha!!!!

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Yes at one time whenever Misty dropped something he would say "Dropped orange". The first time he had dropped an orange and I said "You dropped your orange" so after that whenever he dropped anything he would say "Dropped orange" but he has not said it for a while now :(.




Steve n Misty

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the way she said "what?" just had me almost in tears, lol! it was this pert, short one word that seemed to express her displeasure at the piece of paper and at the same time sound like she was thoroughly disgusted with our amusement and laughter at watching her put that piece of paper "in its place"!!! hahahaha!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA .... that is hysterical! it made me laff out loud! great story
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thenabrd.... Too funny! I also laughed out loud! Funny how they think. Its even funnier watching them, knowing what they are thinking.

I had Sophie sitting on my chest Sunday, was whistling her favorite song. Normally, she joins in, but kept watching me quietly. All of a sudden... she plunged her beak into my " whistling hole", effectively shutting me up! After around five seconds, she pulled out, and finished our song! LOL She could have asked me to stop whistling! Nancy

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