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Each of my parrots has gone into the avian vet for a wellness check when I first got them. They were also micro-chipped then. Each was declared healthy and then micro-chipped. Their avian vet now has a "gauge" and a record of each one. I am retired and spend oodles of time with my parrots. I do all the cleaning and such for each one so I am pretty aware of what they eat, play and all their actions are everyday. Each has only been to the vet for their original check-up and micro-chipping. Each has only exhibited excellent health so I have not had they re-checked but if I ever notice one is not well or "acting" ill, I would be popping that bird to the vet asap!

Edited by luvparrots
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We have ours checked every four months by a traveling avian vet when they get nails, etc. done. He does a full exam.


I asked him last time about weighing. I know that a change in weight can indicate disease. He said that their weight can vary greatly by a good poop or not. He's not too overly concerned about weighing regularly.

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We have ours checked every four months by a traveling avian vet when they get nails, etc. done. He does a full exam.


I asked him last time about weighing. I know that a change in weight can indicate disease. He said that their weight can vary greatly by a good poop or not. He's not too overly concerned about weighing regularly.

LOL sorry I had to laff ... cant ALL our weight vary greatly on that? *giggles* But I do understand I just am tryin to gather all the things I might need before my baby comes home cuz once hes home I probably wont wanna leave the house lol :D :D

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It is tough to say, how often you should see a vet for a " wellness " visit. Sophie and all, saw a vet after first getting them. Over a decade ago, for all. They see a bird trimmer, three times a year. Not just any bird trimmer. He weighs them, trims them. He knows my birds. Any concern he has, they go see a vet. Otherwise.... I don't take my birds to the vet. I do have an avian vet, but I also believe in avoiding enviroments, where they can get sick. I am also lucky to be a nurse, and understand many symtoms of illness. Believe it or not... it has helped me for all our avian friends and dogs. Of course, my dogs go frequently to vet for shots. Birds don't go. Of course, in a heartbeat, I would be there if they needed to go Nancy

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Not necessarily recommended but I actually waited until Echo was about 6 months old before taking him for his 1st visit.


I wanted him to be established in his new home, diet, etc 1st. Also gave me time to workup questions and have a better understanding over what the Vet would be telling me.


As with Nancy - If I did see anything "fishy" during this time I would have taken him in right away.


Also - I weigh in the morning (about once per week) and always after the "morning bomb"... do the same for Echo.



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lol at morning bomb LMAO I hear that they do that first thing when you get them out of their cages :D I went looking at walmart for a scale and all I could find was a postage scale so now I am just collecting the prices on the things I want to purchase over the next few months while my baby is growing :D I love getting all these ideas from everyone.. what an enormous help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My two cents - I am currently kicking myself for NOT keeping up my regular weigh-ins (used to do them pretty much daily with 'tiel and budgie for over 3 years and then trailed off - it was great step-up practice). Not to mention annual check-ups. We were just at the vet for the first 'wellness' check in a while for both birds. Anya, my 'tiel, is NOT 'well,' and is down nearly 10% in mass, which I SHOULD have noticed earlier but didn't despite being pretty in tune with her. I did notice she had an 'off' day on her food/poop last week but seemed to have recovered, so I just thought it was stress. She's small, usually around 90g, but was only 81g today. She's very thin. I checked her history and despite fluctuations from 85-97g, this is the lowest she's been in 12 years. Seeing her hit 85g would definitely have raised the alarm sooner.

(She's on Baytril now and waiting on blood tests. May start a thread on her as well as Spencer's visit once I know more.)

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Ohhhh no :( I am so sorry to hear that! I hope the vet is able to determine the problem. Keep us posted on Anya! I hope Spencer did well at the Dr's too cant wait to hear your progress with him. I think for my own sanity just for peace of mind being a NEW parront and stuff I might just keep a scale and maybe weekly track my babys weight :D becuz if something would be wrong I am afraid I might not notice the other signs and it seems weight is a pretty big factor sometimes.

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Thanks, Aerial, unfortunately it's not good. She's at the emergency vet until at least Monday when they can retest her levels - her kidneys are not functioning. Rough day.


BTW, for those curious, that's going to run AT LEAST $915 - on top of about $200 earlier this morning. Future parrot owners - are you ready for that?


Thank goodness for credit cards and 'rainy day' stashes. And yeah, that's for a $100 cockatiel. And I'd spend it again in a heartbeat.


I'm exhausted. More later. Thanks for any well-wishes you can pass along.

Edited by oblivion
Heh, phone turned 're-test' into 'detest.'
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I seriously think Chickie holds her morning bomb sometimes just so she can do it in my hand on the way from her cage to her tree...oh, and then she laughs about it. She chuckles after she poops...go figure. lol :)


Talon has a sleep cage upstairs, so she can't make it downstairs in the mornings without an explosion along the way...:(, so I have a potty basket that I put her on after I take her out of her cage and I have a cut puppy pad in the bottom of it and she goes poop in the basket so there is no mess to clean up!

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