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first scratch


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Awesome... I have a rehome & it took almost 2 yrs. to give that first scritch :)


Buzz is adorable. It only gets better from here on out !!!


Amen! I just posted earlier today about my first head-scratch about 18 months in to my rehoming experience. :)



It really is a cool feeling. Congrats!

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It's the best feeling in the world !!! I was so excited my hand was shaking ..... Now, he asks for scritches, head petting & jaw massages EVERY NIGHT!!! He's still quite skidish but will close his eyes & just enjoy the moment. He seems to ask later in the evening when things calm down & it gets close to his bedtime.. What's really cute is I whisper to him while I'm petting & he will make little kissy sounds...


He really understands & gets the connection !!! I don't think he has ever shown affection & each step along the way are like little puzzle pieces.

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Gwen, it is very much an evening/wind-down thing with Spencer, too. Also, so far it's only been when I'm alone with him and my 'tiel is already up in their room. I don't know if that's simple coincidence or more significant, but I'll keep track of it as time goes on.

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I "think" I remember when I first joined this forum some of your posts of Spencer.. (I would have to look back) It was right around the time I rescued Roscoe & I paid special attention because we were in the same situation.. So neat that we both have waited over 1 & a half years to again have our first scritches...


I also get alot of sucker bites BUT most of mine come from displacement bites. You said your usually alone when he lets you touch him.. Roscoe "tolerates" my husband. As long as he (hubby) doesn't move, cough or talk when I'm petting -- I'm ok. I can see his knee-jerk reaction: lunge bites. It's not his fault... He's soooo skidish but wants me to pet him so I pay the price.

Roscoe just stands next to me & puffs up big time when Charlie walks across the room. Also, Roscoe doesn't talk in front of hubby but when he goes out of the room -- Roscoe babbles on & on to me..


Hopefully, things will get better with time for both of us :)

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Gwen (sorry for the hijack, Scooter!), I recently updated my original "Greetings!" post in the welcome forum, so it should be pretty easy to find if you're interested in Spencer's 'origin story.' ;)


I have to admit, I have a touch of envy seeing Scooter's pics of his kids holding Buzz. That 'new/baby bird honeymoon' sure looks fun. My daughter (5) very much wants to be able to pet Spencer, but it's just not possible now. Luckily she has our cockatiel Anya to satisfy her a bit. That all said, despite the challenges of adopting a more mature bird, I wouldn't give up him or the last year and a half of 'challenges'/learning for anything.

Edited by oblivion
Missed a word. ;)
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at first when we just got Buzz in he was biting kids, so I got him on the stand and got his favorite snack out and had kids just touch him with one finger quick touch and give him snack, that lasted about 15-20 min, at the end of the session he was letting kids hold him and pad his back, take it easy, small step at the time and lots of rewards...

you can do it

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LOL, I can't even get him on a stand. And that's after 15-20 months, not minutes. Two entirely different situations. Thus the (friendly) envy. For now, I'm just basking in being asked for scritches every couple days. For example, right now he's been sitting by me for about 3 hours, pretty much pretending like I'm not here. Snot.


Continue to enjoy that new parrot smell. :)

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I think you should ask your question in a different thread here where more people may see it. But my sincere advice is to cancel the purchase if the seller will not wean the baby. Too much can go wrong with very little to gain. That's one man's humble opinion.


Good luck.

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