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Chili Pepper


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Happy new year everyone!!!


Chili will be 2 years old at the end of May. He is fully flighted. I'm not sure if what he does is normal or if it is going to turn into a big problem down the road.


Chili has been flying back and Forth in and out of the bird room, which is not a problem except that a lot of the time he likes to land on me.. he just wants to be on my shoulder. He is good about flying to me when I call him and sometimes he flies over unsolicited. He wants to be constantly near me which I love. Sometimes if I'm sitting in the birdroom he'll fly to the back of the chair and preen my hair. Sometimes he just likes to sit quietly next to me. sometimes he will put his break on me like he wants to play. I'm afraid his love bites will get harder as he gets older.


Is it time to clip him? I don't want to destroy his wonderful spirit. He's such a Happy little guy. I just don't want this to bring on any unwanted behavior.


If I am going to keep him flighted how can I get him to stop landing on me and to remain where I put him like on his strand?



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My Cricket does the same thing. I don`t think clipping his wings will help or stop this because Cricket who can fly would rather walk and climb to where she wants to go.

Cricket is about 16 years old and wants to be around me ALL THE TIME and she is very gentle and that is not the way it was in her other home.

I just enjoy her company and when it`s time for her to go back to her cage she will with out any trouble. She does have rules and she is ok with that.

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Your bird is still a very young bird and of course he wants to be with you but as he matures he will be less needy, he will become more independent and be willing to spend more time just hanging out on a playstand or chilling out near you. If you don't want him landing on you when he takes flights then put your arm up to divert him away to land elsewhere.

I would keep him flighted for he will be a more confident grey.

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My zon is fully flighted and likes to be with me also. He is 4 years old. I have hanging perches and boings in each of my rooms of my home and my parrots have learned to sit there if they want in the room I am in. There are toys and foraging devices at each perch/boing and they seem content as long as they can see me. Because my zon and other parrots are flighted, I just flick them off my shoulder if I need they to "go away". Otherwise as Judy says, just divert Chili Pepper away from you if you don't want him on your shoulder. Clipping him will not make the desire to be with you go away. You will have to find ways to distract him so be creative as it is apparent that he loves his parront.

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Your bird is still a very young bird and of course he wants to be with you but as he matures he will be less needy, he will become more independent and be willing to spend more time just hanging out on a playstand or chilling out near you. If you don't want him landing on you when he takes flights then put your arm up to divert him away to land elsewhere.

I would keep him flighted for he will be a more confident grey.


Hi there. I was referring to Chili Pepper and not Slater my grey lol. I'm sure the same applies for Amazons

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My zon is fully flighted and likes to be with me also. He is 4 years old. I have hanging perches and boings in each of my rooms of my home and my parrots have learned to sit there if they want in the room I am in. There are toys and foraging devices at each perch/boing and they seem content as long as they can see me. Because my zon and other parrots are flighted, I just flick them off my shoulder if I need they to "go away". Otherwise as Judy says, just divert Chili Pepper away from you if you don't want him on your shoulder. Clipping him will not make the desire to be with you go away. You will have to find ways to distract him so be creative as it is apparent that he loves his parront.


Hi. How did you get your Amazon to sit and fly to you all the time? I know you said flick him of my shoulder of I don't want him there but was there anything else you did for him to learn that he needs to stay put?

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I have three flighted parrots and my zon is a re-home and has just started to want to be on my shoulder. My two greys I have had since they were weaned. So my zon, Louie, has more or less had at least my grey, Ana Grey, 3 1/2 years, as a guide to follow. My home has always been full of ceiling perches and boings with hanging toys and such to land on. My cabinets and shelf tops full of family pictures and nic naks so no real other landing places are available expect my couches and chairs. Louie has always just been very watchful and wanting to learn and please. So when I talk to him, he just seems to be listening and understand what I say and want. Of course, it takes lots of patience and consistency to get things understood.

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You don't need to trim your bird. You need to understand, your bird is in love with you. You have been chosen, to be the primary caregiver. Now, you make the decisions. Be honored! Your bird is now listening, and will respect your decisions. Be careful, with what you decide. Bird should be " wrist status" only. You are establishing parenthood! VERY important! You are the parent, they are the child. Work on stepup. No bird should be on your shoulder, unless the parent/child relationship is established. Always work on other family members, to be included. Don't ever be afraid of your bird. Nancy

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Can someone explain how to go about handling his love bites? These are unsolicited. he'll fly over to me, sit next to me and reach out to give me a love bite. This probably should not be encouraged as these love bites will only get bigger and bigger as he matures. Am I correct? Is the best way to handle this situation to always have a toy or something he can beak rather than me? Or is there something else I should be doing?


Thanks all:)

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Louie, the zon, is also a biter. There is a video in the Amazon Room of Louie just biting away on me. He never really bites hard now. I have just always told him no bites and tossed him off if he didn't listen to my warning. Now he still nibbles on me but does not bite too hard. It has taken a long time for Louie, my re-home, to trust me. It is only recently that he flies to my shoulder for a while. He loves ears!

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Louie, the zon, is also a biter. There is a video in the Amazon Room of Louie just biting away on me. He never really bites hard now. I have just always told him no bites and tossed him off if he didn't listen to my warning. Now he still nibbles on me but does not bite too hard. It has taken a long time for Louie, my re-home, to trust me. It is only recently that he flies to my shoulder for a while. He loves ears!


Louie is a beauty. He must trust you some. I would think if he didn't trust you at all he wouldn't come near you and those nibbles wouldn't be nibbles.


I really think Chili is just playing with me but I certainly don't want this to become a habit and his love bites turn into bites that hurt. So like you I give a warning and if he doesn't want to listen off he goes until he does.

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