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Plucking or something else?


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Jax just turned 1 on December 27th. In November, I noticed he started pulling out his feathers. Here is a picture from when he first started:




After he did this, things seemed to improve. He stopped plucking and some new feathers were coming in. Then, in January, we had an oven fire. I quickly got Jax out of the room and we cleared the smoke before bringing him back in, but I think the stress caused him to pluck his wings.






Once again, Jax left this area alone and was beginning to heal. I recently (yesterday) added Avitec Featheriffic to his food (Harrison's pellets) and he plucked again, this time on his lower back.




I have discontinued use of the Featheriffic and I am hoping to see improvement once again.


I am at a loss as to why he keeps reverting back to plucking behavior. He has an excellent diet (Harrison's pellets, bird bread made with fresh veggies, cooked grains and veggies, fruits), plenty of toys, a huge cage, plenty of out of cage time.


I am hoping to get some guidance as to what I should do next. I have a vet appointment with a certified avian vet on Wednesday. Are there any specific tests I should be asking for?

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Oh poor Jax. It is good to hear you have an appointment with an Avian Vet. They will know the right questions to ask you and also what to test for. Plucking as severe as seen in your photos is a very extreme case. It could be from nervousness, to food allergies or underlying health issues. Your vet may recommend things such as getting off the Harrison's, which contain peanuts and sunflower seeds mainly due to a possible peanut allergy for example.


Do you mist with 100% Aloe Juice until he is soaking wet at least 3 x a week? Also, 100% Aloe Gel will help on those exposed raw areas to sooth and heal. I have no doubt you are very upset and concerned about this, as any of us would be. Hopefully the Vet will be bale to determine the underlying cause which is sometimes very hard to do at times.


Please post an update when you get back from the Vet.

Edited by danmcq
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Thank you Dan for your concern....i do mist him w/aloe but evidentally not enough as suggested. I am going to the store after work to purchase the gel and some more juice. and i plan on bathing his little butt every day if needed w/the stuff.....I have an austin air set up near his cage as well as humidifier...i too am suspecting dry, itchy skin, but ill find out for sure hopefully when i take him in...i will def post any updates as they surface!!!! thank you!!!!!!

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So sorry to hear about your baby, but so nice to see a concerned parront. Sounds to me like you have his best interest in mind, and you are doing everything you can to help him. I hope this behavior improves for you guys. I gotta say though, he is a cute little man :)


Be sure to ask as many questions you can think of to your vet. Try to leave there with confidence. I know this is a very trying time, but we are here for you for support if you need us :)

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Wow, this little birdie sure has done some plucking - it is so sad to see it. Sure hope this improves - we know how the owner feels. Our AG is 2 now and about a month ago started plucking out feathers from his one wing. We were so concerned we took him to the vet. The vet told us it was due to having electric heat and not enough humidity in the air. He recommened Rain, a Aloe spray, and getting a humidifier. We did both and he improved for about 2 weeks, now he is back to picking at the same area. We do not find feathers like before, but he is aggressively going at the same area under his wing. The vet said they can become obsessive after once picking at an area, and the next step would be a "birdie Prozac" - did anyone ever hear of that treatment? Who wants a birdie that sits on his perch in a stuper - we do not want to do this at all!

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luvgrey, athena has been on meds for her plucking in the past. it wasn't prozac though, i forget the name, sorry. the initial treatment is a shot, then we had a choice to take her for a shot on a scheduled basis every 6-8 weeks or use drops daily. we chose the drops, since she's very aware of who her vet is, lol!!! she's always worse at the vet than any dog i've ever had!! we had some success with this treatment as at that time she was plucking all the time and was just taking the bright green feathers off her chest. she left the grey down and didn't mutilate any skin. we took her to the vet to be checked out, everything was fine, but that's when we finally ran dna (she was 2 and had reached maturity) and found out athena's really a boy!


now it seems to be once a year in the fall that she plucks off the bright green chest feathers, even though the lights are on a timer all year long. so we've chosen to not do this while it continues to be just a once a year thing. if at some point it becomes all the time, we'll reassess at that time. some birds do great, others it does nothing for, its just like with people, it works differently for individuals.


the first day or so, athena was very quiet and calm, a little sleepy, but that's it. she ate well, played, etc, just wasn't her loud conure self for a day or two. after that, she was her normal self, loud, energetic and a typical conure. like i said, if at some point she starts doing this constantly again, i have no reservations or problems using this treatment option for her.


we do run a humidifier in the winter, increase spray baths and have even more shredding options available during the winter.

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I understand hemp seed is also a good diet supplement for plucking birds. My next door neighbor has an ekkie that hemp seed is helping and I understand that a cockatoo in the area is also on hemp seed and it seems to help with the plucking. Check the internet or ask your avian vet about hemp seed for your parrot.

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I think we see some birds pluck, some don't. All have great parents. They can have parents that do all the same things. It is a mystery to me. I have become more interested in learning more. Started watching Sophie. As she spends alot of her time with us, ( not necessarily our choice, but hers)... open cage has its benefits, but also, we are always on Sophie's schedule, when we are home.She DOES spend alot of time preening and making herself beautiful. She also sometimes ignores a feather, that seriouslly has to go. Boys have a way to get her to trim what she is not interested in trimming. I wish I had the answers. Nancy

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I appreciate all of your guy's input and advice.....today is the day I take him in to the vet....since ive posted, he has plucked more up his back on and on his wing:( Dan....we've had the austin purifier for at least 8 m/os now....the humidifier id say 3......now mind you, this acitivity didn't start until i hosted a big halloween party.....it was 'bout the mid November, when he started barbering the feathers...i was told he was going through a molt and when there this young, this can happen b/c they don't understand what is going on.....it wasn't til we had the oven fire which was 'bout 3wks ago he started mutulating...then he stopped for 'bout 2wks, and then i added the featherific and all hell broke lose........


ive since bathed him w/aloe and put aloe gel on his wounds, which seem to help but like i said, yesterday he did more damage....ill def be sure to update once i get back from the vet....keep your fingers crossed for a postive outcome")

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Thenabrd: Thank you so much for this information on your birdie. This makes the treatment sound more assuring as a type of treatment for our bird's picking. We will certainly take him back to the vet if need be. Like our chldren, we will do everything that is necessary to keep them happy and healthy. Thank you for helping us understand the treatment would really help, and not make him sit in a stuper forever as we imagined. It is so helpful to hear other bird owners experiences - thanks again.

Edited by luvgrey
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luvgrey, you're welcome! just remember that all birds are different. like i said, athena did well after the first day or so, but that may not be true for all birds! the vet and i discussed all the possible effects this treatment could have before i decided to try it with her. that's what everyone should do when thinking about this approach, discuss it thoroughly with your vet and then make the best informed decision you can.

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So the vet did a complete blood work, Grain, and a couple other ones, where I have to wait for results.....The vet did give me some antibiotics in the meantime....so far, he's only plucked a couple of times since the vet trip.....She seems to think he's overly stressed.....Soooo please keep your thoughts and prayers for him and as soon as i get the results back, ill post...thank you everyone!!!!!

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Test results back.....his white blood cells are elevated, low protein, he has yeast and his levels of clostridta??? is off....my poor little dude....so i go to the vet today to pick up 3 more meds (total 4) one his a pain reliever. Please keep us in your prayers

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Test results back.....his white blood cells are elevated, low protein, he has yeast and his levels of clostridta??? is off....my poor little dude....so i go to the vet today to pick up 3 more meds (total 4) one his a pain reliever. Please keep us in your prayers
oh goodness :( I hope all these meds help him and make him feel LOTS better! prayers still out there for you and your baby!
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