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Hi All From Johannesburg South Africa...


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Hi Guys,


I Have been on this site for the last 2 moths or so and have learnt alot regard CAG...

I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a 4 month old GAG "Spartan":cool:


That being said I'm pretty sure i still have plenty to learn on.

I know that CAG's generally start talking from about 12 months or so.

My guys is so vocal it aint even funny,


He whistles words if that makes sense to you guys, and recently he has started mumbling in a deep voice!

Is this normal? Is it good?... That being said with him being so vocal, could that be a sihn of him being happy?


Until Next time...

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Welcome to the forum and congrats on getting Spartan!! :). My baby is 5 months old and it sounds like to me that the noises that Spartan is making is totally normal. My Chickie "chats" it up all the time making all kinds of noises and mumbling in her soft girly voice. I was told that they mumble before they start talking because they're working on figuring out sounds, much like a human child. I think it's a very good sign that he's happy. Usually a bird being non-vocal is more of a cause for concern. Your little guy sounds like he's a normal happy baby to me!! :)

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Welcome Sacr69, your new baby sound very smart and wanting to learn. Enjoy your talented little Spartan. I have a 10 month old CAG that barks, whistles, coughs and makes lots of mumbling noises. So yes you have a happy little guy there and I look forward to see some pictures and watching him grow with you. Enjoy!

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Hello Sacr69 and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

I find that the more I find out the more I need to know, its good you have already browsed thru the many threads here and it is firsthand experience but if you have any questions please feel free to ask and we will help you in any way we can.

Would love to see some pictures of Spartan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


Thank you for the warm welcome :)

Sorry for the late response as i was away on Holiday,

Its good to know that you guys are around as support, as we all know everyday is a new challenge,


I havent really had time to get Pics but will do so as soon as i can and will update you guys,

Once again, thank you all...

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