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Terrible Twos! Aaaaaah!


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I thought there was an older thread all about theTerrible Twos but nothing came up on the search.


Well, she's a bit more than 1.5 but it seemed to have started this week. Its Mr Hyde, a completely different bird. She is NUTS!! All I can say is...



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Her ways of finding her position in the flock currently include:


--Chasing the dog around (she's a bully)

--Chasing my dad (who also runs away)

--Flying upstairs (we live in a downstairs apt. under my parents, there is a connecting door through two hallwayswhich is left open so the dog has a safe haven to go...she now flies upstairs if the door isn;t closed)

--Sneaking into the kitchen and opening containers/boxes...successful twice until we caught her eating our food!

--and diving off our shoulders to hang off our sleeves or back of our shirts upside down

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kallie was 2 1/2 when we rehomed her, so we missed the baby stuff. she's just about 3 1/2 now! she is quite the character, very brave about new toys and people, has some very definite "opinions" on things, and we love her to pieces!! we just wish she wasn't sooooooo stubborn and bull headed, lol!! i know that's a good thing for a grey in a way, but it's also a bad thing when it comes to teaching her how to step up! unfortunately, she was never taught that basic skill but was allowed to fly to her previous owner's head. kallie is learning, ever so slowly that isn't what she should do and is learning to land on the back of the chair. i know, she's still a very young lady and has many years to learn, its just hard sometimes to be patient!! i don't know if this is "terrible two" behavior and attitude or not. if so, hopefully in time it'll pass, but then i have a feeling, she'll be in puberty!! aarrggg, hahahaha!!!!

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