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Dropping by to say hello!


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Sorry I have been m.i.a. if anyone has noticed. The holidays take a toll on me. They take a toll on Kito as well I'm afraid as she is one frayed bird again. :( At least this time she has left her flights and tail feathers alone. :::knock on wood::: She had her annual exam and is completely healthy so that is good news too.


I just got a bunch of new toys and parts from mysafebirdstore.com. Kathie is so sweet, she even sent a couple of chocolates for me. How did she know I'm a chocoholic? LOL!


I hope the new year is treating you all and your fids well. It has just gotten to seem like winter here and now we are eager for spring!

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I have noticed your absense but sometimes life gets in the way but we do the best we can, glad to see you are still around and doing ok. Sorry to hear the holidays were stressful for Kito but hope all resolves itself soon and those new toys help to relieve boredom and keep her busy for a while, nice of her to send you a couple of chocolates as most of us women are addicted to it.

We haven't had much of a winter here either but it is cold at the moment, still waiting for some snow but spring will be here soon.

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Thanks Judy and Ray. She was looking so good up until Thanksgiving, about 95% back to normal. I think she will stop sooner this time as she is not sick. I was wondering if anyone else puts their birds to bed earlier in the winter because the days are naturally shorter. Just a thought, as it seems she chews less if I do.

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Absolutely put your bird to bed when the sun goes down. They need lots of sleep, and Brutus tells me, "it's time to go to bed" once it gets dark. I think an early bedtime, and some sun exposure will help immensely to calm Kito down. It works a charm with my guys.

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Thanks Chezron, most of the year I put her to bed at 9pm. But in summer it's just getting dark. In winter it's dark by 5:30! Regular exposure to natural sunlight is not possible in WI pretty much from Sept to May so I rely on an avian sun lightbulb. The bird room is on the SW corner of the house and there is a window on each side. Maybe she is missing watching the bunnies and squirrels and little outside birds that aren't as active in the winter?


I am in and out several times a day and she goes from her room, to out flying around terrorizing the all the other pets, to her cage, to out, to the bird room, to out, etc.


She gets new toys and/or things re-arranged every few days. I have toys that she takes apart and I put back together 2 or 3 times a day. The tangle http://www.amazon.com/Tangle-Creations-TANGLE-JR-inch/dp/B00009IM5S/ref=sr_1_12?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1327166114&sr=1-12 is super, I recommend them for every fid!


She has books to shred, wood to chew, mini corn cobs to pick, a parakeet buddy, toys to fight with, toys to cuddle with, foraging toys, ropes and swings and you name it!


It is not related to dry skin, her diet is excellent, and she also gets red palm oil and hemp seeds and golden flax as recommended.


Every couple of weeks she gets about 1T of Kaytee handfeeding formula out of a syringe because she will always be my baby. :)


On rare occasions she gets a 1" McD's french fry with the salt wiped off and a pinch of cheeseburger from the Daddy. I didn't even know about that for a long long time. Bad Daddy! LOL!

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