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Biting when being returned to cage

I Tri Hard

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Thanks in advance for any advice..

My Grey likes to nip my hand (the one shes standing on) when I return her to the inside of her cage. She normally play on or around it while I am home. She goes inside when it's bed time and any other time I have to leave the area. Any suggestions on what I can do?

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She is probably just expressing her displeasure in being returned to her cage. She would much rather be with you I'm assuming. I would sternly tell her no, and continue to put her in her cage. Certainly any reaction such as yelling ouch, or no, or pulling you hand back will excite her and only reinforce her behavior. It will take some time, but be consistent and hopefully she will learn her biting won't get her her own way.


Also, I understand you just got her back from your ex, (congratulations btw) so in your absence, you don't know what her experience was and she may be trying on you the things that worked for you on your ex. She will most likely test you for a bit until she settles back into a relationship with you.

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So is she only nipping at your hand when she is put in her cage out of her "routine" times? If so, it may help to take her in and out of her cage more, besides just the normal times. Maybe mixing up her routine a bit will help her to accept it more. Hope it helps. :)

Edited by Life is Greyt
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If talking to her and letting her know that you have to go and will be back soon doesn't work, you might try luring her in with a treat she likes. Just let her know you have the goody and place in her bowl in the cage. See if that works.


This is exactly what I was going to suggest. Works wonders for me!

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