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Sambo is a Samantha ?


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I have had Sam aka Sambo for a number of years now having adopted him from a previous owner after 17 years. Sambo is a member of the family and has primarily bonded with me. When I stroke his beak, he regurgitates his food and will sit on my hand, squat low with his wings lowered and kinda sway back and forth. This is a frequent evening happening. We have a mating pair of cockatiels and it just occurred to me that Sambo's behaviour his quite similar to the femaile cockatiel when mating.

The previous owner had told us that Sambo was a male though I do not think she had him tested to make the sex determination. I looked on the web and found the site for determining sex of the Grey and saw the different picturers of the underside of the tail with female Greys showing grey highlighting to the ends of the feathers and secondary retrices are greg rather than dark.

Using these descriptive measures I checked out Sambo's tail feathers and they match the female description. So, it appears I have a Samantha rather than a Sambo..! Anyone else have further measures for determining sex of the Greys?

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As the others have said the only way to be sure besides surgical sexing is thru the dna either in blood or feathers.

I hope you do not encourage this behavior you are describing of the wings lowered and other sexual arousal actions because you will get your bird all worked up and he/she will be frustrated. You need to discourage this by distracting Sambo to other things and no touching anywhere lower than the neck and head. Stroking of the back, wings and underside especially around the tail will only excite Sambo.

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