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We seem to have a small percent of the members getting involved in posting. We need all of us to express our thoughts, play a game, add a new topic, be part of a debate, “Welcome” new members like we once were our selves and all in all speak out. I read a lot of posts and it seems there are the same people over and over keeping us all entertained. COME ON HIT THOSE KEYS AND GET INVOLVED. Get those photos on the site that you’re proud of and give a chance to get involve with you and yours.

Another thing is give out karmas and let people know you did.


Let get going guys, we need you. BANG THOSE KEYS.


Joe<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/09/17 17:37

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Good thread Joe, thanks for reminding all members to get involved in posting and not leave it all to me and a few others. And this is saying something for Joe as he is a two finger man, he does not know how to type but he gets in there and hammers away at his keyboard and gives us some good advice and good times. I love his wit and he makes us laugh at ourselves.:laugh:


I did give some karmas to you this morning but I don't tell everyone I give karma to them, I just do it.:)

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I'm trying! I really really am! It's sjust sometimes my world is like this...:silly: ...upside down. Then again, if I try to look at it like this...:side: ...things might begin to look normal!:laugh:


Whooooo all that spinning made me feel like this...:blink: :sick: :blink:

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Thanks for the thread Joe, you are right of course we should all write more. Sometimes though I feel that I dont have the experience to be able to help answer all of the questions that are out there. I WILL TRY HARDER TO GET SMARTER! I was thinking about your olives today when I was at the spanish market and they have the really big ones filled with a whole garlic clove. Yum does that count? Lol Trina

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Oh man...I get busy with household chores and don't log on for a day and I miss the action!


I've only been a member for a few weeks or so, but I've been doing some serious pounding of the keys! I love to speak my mind so I hope I haven’t stepped on to many toes. :P

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LOL...well, your always on the same side of the debate fence as I am, so we stomp toes together...B)



Yeah, I normally do...my dad is on vacation at his cabin in Georgia this week so I used yesterday to get the house nice and clean...well, part of the house anyways. I dusted, orginized, windex'd, all kinds of stuff.

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