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My Home Made Stand for Talon


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When it comes to mealtime at my house, i always feel bad for Talon. My other 2 birds dont let her forage off my plate or any other for that matter. Nilah, the big bully will chase her right off the table, so either i let her eat and make a mess on my shoulder, or she mostly perches on the back of the chair and i give her bites of food there. I always feel sorry for her......so today, my 12 year old son and I made her her very own ( we hope) special place to eat.

I haven't tested it out yet, but will let you know how it goes......it may take a few days for Rikki and Talon to get used to it being near the table.


The best part so far, we have fun making it together, AND it took less than an hour and Cost just under $10.00!



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That is a great looking stand for Talon. I am impressed with your talents and those of your son. I hope Talon now gets to enjoy dinner with you.


It's strange how our birds are ranked in a flock. My Ana Grey, the smallest of my flock is the "leader". She terrorizes my zon and cag that are much larger then her. I have to constantly call her out to keep peace with my parrots she is such a bully.

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I am always on the lookout for problems with my greys. Perhaps it is because Ana Grey was here first that the other two let her bully them. But my avian vet seems to think that Sterling Gris being the largest will be the boss in the future. He is only 10 months old now. I don't know but I do watch them all closely. Sterling, however, prefers to be alone sometimes. He will leave the room and go to a perch in the kitchen away from Ana Grey and Louie who both prefer to be within my view, or their view of me.

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That is so interesting. Talon was here first as well. But when Rikki came, Rikkii wanted to be friends, but Talon was always afraid of her,but I believe it was because of her size being bigger and Talon feeling Intimidated by that. Rikki will try and be on equal terms with Nilah, but Nilah feels the need to stand her ground, almost like she wants to get her before Rikki can get her. When Rikki never tries to bully her.

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OK guys I saw the word big bully and amazon in the same sentence and the on going saga of the big bad zons goes on.

Corky is a small cag at 410g but that does not stop her big attitude when it comes to dealing with Cricket.

I think they each have a respect for each other and that keeps a balance in our house.

If Cricket gets frisky Corky puts her back in her place with out a fight.

With balance there is peace.

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Sorry Ray for my slip on words. Nilah really isn't a big bully, just when it comes to food, sometimes when Talon g ets brave enough to march on over to my plate to steal some, Nilah chases her away. She doesn't want Talon to steal any that her and Rikki might get.

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Thats a great looking stand you made with Matt and I hope it works out to solve your problem with allowing Talon to be able to enjoy her meals with you and the family, looking forward to hearing how it goes.

Hierarchy is more determined by their personality than size, it's whoever is the more dominant of the group that will rule the roost so to speak as in my case it is Sunny, my sun conure who is the more aggressive of my flock and she is much smaller than Josey, my cag but she is much more feisty than the other two birds of mine plus she was the first so thats her place.

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Great job, bit what you think for some kind of wood so he can play or perch with toy?


I made this strictly for feeding at the table so the other birds don't chase her away, so there is o reason to have a toy on it. If you saw my house, you would understand, I have things hanging everywhere, tree stands, perches etc. it looks like I live in a giant bird cage!!!!

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When it comes to mealtime at my house, i always feel bad for Talon. My other 2 birds dont let her forage off my plate or any other for that matter. Nilah, the big bully will chase her right off the table, so either i let her eat and make a mess on my shoulder, or she mostly perches on the back of the chair and i give her bites of food there. I always feel sorry for her......so today, my 12 year old son and I made her her very own ( we hope) special place to eat.

I haven't tested it out yet, but will let you know how it goes......it may take a few days for Rikki and Talon to get used to it being near the table.


The best part so far, we have fun making it together, AND it took less than an hour and Cost just under $10.00!




Isn't PVC the greatest??? Nicely done. I like the way you constructed your food bowl. Can I ask how you did that?

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