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Whatever you do you need to be very careful and always supervise the birds closely if out together. Some have success with birds becoming "friends" others not. In all cases the birds absolutely must be supervised. There are ways to introduce birds to each other and there is more information on this topic in other threads on this site. Try to do some searches. You may get different opinions and the value is getting real feedback from people that have experienced this. This will help you understand the risks so you can decide for yourself how you want to proceed! I personally have not attempted to introduce other birds to Kip, but I have read of successful cases and cases that ended in disaster.

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You wont be able to house them together even if they get along.Make sure you time is given equally to both birds otherwise you may encounter jealously. If you have them out together as dblhelix has said make sure they are supervised at all times.There are no guarantees they will get along or tolerate eachother, but i know of success stories when a second bird is introduced.Just take it slowly & dont expect to much.

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