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patterns and routines


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I've been doing a lot of reading, and every place states that you shouldn't get into a routine with a grey, because if you can't keep it, all hell can break lose. I'm curious, how long can you go without a routine being established, like for example if you wake up at 8 every day, they'll expect that, if you clean their cage ever other day, will that become a routine? What about something every 4 days... or something once a week? Will they catch on to a shower every monday night...


I'm not planning on setting a set routine... but I'm just wondering how far they can go without realizing a routine has been established.

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Thats not at all true. You can have a routine,and once in a while vary it, and they are pretty okay with it. I have never had a problem changing their routine......they may not like it, but they go along with it and don't really put up a fuss.

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It also depends on the routine. My gang gets fed everyday at 6am. When they call on weekends for me to get up and feed them.... NOT going to happen. 8 am on weekends. They adjusted. Most routine changes that really stress a bird out is something like, going on vacation. New caregiver. Another example, my son going off to college, then coming back, leaving again. Stressed Sophie. She readjusted within 48 hours.Things like that. Nancy

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I think a balance of routine and occasional change is important for the well being of our parrots. Routine is good because it allows them to know what to expect and seek comfort in that. Much like children and many adults too. Change is good because it helps minimize phobic behaviour and resistance to new experiences and variety.

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Lovethatgrey put it all in a nut shell and that is what my wife and I do with our birds.

They know that every morning they get there food and let out and that is any time between 7 am and 8 am for food and let out between 8 am and noon.

They are in and out of their cages many times a day because we live in a log cabin and with all that wood well you know.

They know every day they are fed and let out and time does not dictate what happens or when.

This works for us.

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