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Why Does He Nod?


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I know what you are talking about.

When we first got Cricket for the first week she would do this when you walked up to her, it was a slow back and forth from side to side motion.

I beleve this is like an unsure leave me alone at this time action. It only happend at certin times and she was not aggressive. It did not happen all the time.

As I spent more time with her and she felt more comfortable with me it went away.

She will sometimes do this when a stranger comes to her cage.

Edited by Ray P
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When Isaac fluffs up really big and slowly nods his head up and down, I think he is weary of something that is approaching him. I will usually notice what object is causing him to get skiddish and move it away. He will simply fly if it gets any closer. He usually combines this action with a little "Whhheeeww" which is a pure indicator that something is nearby that he does not like.

Edited by Elvenking
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