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The Honeymoon

Ray P

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How long is the honeymoon and when is it over.

Honeymoon definition (Webster).

A period of unusual harmony especially following the establishment of a new relationship.

It could be as little as a day or go on until the cows come home, there is no time frame.

Last December 20 Cricket has been with us for three years and three years of the sweetest Blue Fronted Amazon you could ever ask for well I think she has had her comming out.

She is not mean or nasty or any thing like that.

There was time when she new what no ment and if you said stop she did and that was two or three days ago. Now Cricket is just like Corky into evvvvvvvvvvvery thing you can think of non stop.

Now when I say stop she looks at me as if to say are you talking to me and than go on doing what she was doing

After all this time I think her zon is comming to the surface and thats ok.

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