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Grey feather questions


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Last couple of days my grey, Lilo (10 mos ) has been picking at her feathers a little more than what seemed to be normal preening. She has also lost a few off of her back an it looks like she has some stress feathers on her chest. Seems a little nippy as well. I have done alot of reading, and it sounds like maybe molting. Any thoughts would be really great.






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Do you have any pictures? My Grey Averi started picking a little excessively at ten months. She was also overly irritable, which I was told was just an independence stage common in Greys around her age. I talked to her vet, but she chalked it up to her oncoming molt and unless it got worse, told us not to worry. Right after her first Birthday, her picking became extreme, and we took her to the vet. She had a bacterial infection on her back, most likely from excessive scratching due to the molt. She was put on antibiotics and the picking almost immediately stopped. If I could go back, I would have taken her in when I first noticed the problem. It's taken her a year to grow her beautiful feather back in.

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