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Hello from KY

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Shelly, Thanks, I am in Campbellsville just south of Hodgenville.


GT, The wait is killing me! Yes, we're getting her locally, we visit her every Saturday. I always found it hard to wait for the weekend and even more so now! When are you bringing yours home? Are you able to visit him/her?

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GT, The wait is killing me! Yes, we're getting her locally, we visit her every Saturday. I always found it hard to wait for the weekend and even more so now! When are you bringing yours home? Are you able to visit him/her?


We have had ours (Echo) for about 7 months now but had to go through the waiting period also. Ours did not come locally so we were not even able to visit... just an updated picture ever now and then from the breeder.

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Hey there! Welcome to the forum! I am also waiting on a baby Grey to come home, and his hatch date is also 10-27-11! So that is pretty cool :) My little one is a boy though, and is super cute. He is not local though, I am in NC, and he is on OK, but my breeder is great, and I get lots of updates. I was curious though....you said you will not get your baby until March. Who determined this time frame? I was curious since our babies are the exact same age.

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Hello Kim and welcome to our family, looking forward to hearing lots more about you and Elle May.

Just some questions to get to know you better; is this your first grey, is this your first bird, do you have any human kids?

I know full well the waiting can be horrendous but so well worth it when it finally arrives, something akin to Christmas morning but that will be all forgotten when the day comes that Elle May comes into your home and the real fun begins, that is when the questions will start but not to worry as all you have to do is ask and we shall do our best to give you some answers.

We love pictures so please feel free to indulge us with a few if you have any to share.

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Thanks everyone, we went to see her yesterday and she hadn't had her nap yet and was a little booger! LOL! But she did want to cuddle and get kisses. She came out of her cage to me for the first time and was very proud of herself (I was proud of her too)! We just love that little girl to pieces, it breaks our heart to leave her and have to wait a whole week to see her again. I can't imagine not being able to interact with her during the waiting process. We have a wonderful hand feeder, she sends us pictures and emails every week and you can really tell she loves Elly as much as we do!


DawL- The hand feeder said she wouldn't be ready till March. I assume it is because she won't be weened till then. We also want her fully fledged before we bring her home. When do you get your's?


Judy- This is our first Grey. We had a budgie in the past that was scared to death of us, I wish we knew then what we know now. We have 4 kids, 10 grandkids and a 9 year old male toy poodle named Laredo that is like our 5th child (he doesn't know he's a dog).


We have been reading all we can about parrots and I am glad we found a Grey site to join. Are there any other sites or trainer sites that you all visit, that you can recomend to us? We greatly appreciate any information we can get.



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Honestly I have no idea LOL! It really all comes down to when he is weaned, and they all wean at different times. I am hoping he will be home next month. He is still on 4 feedings a day. How about yours?


He had his first flight last weekend though, so he is making some great progress. He is also eating pellets, and fruits and veggies, but still wants the formula as well. It is really just a waiting game. I thought it was really neat that they have the same hatchdate though! :)

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DawL, I was telling my husband last night that you had a male that was hatch the same day as Elly, we think its neat too! Elly and her sister are still on 4 feedings a day also, they are eating pellets and experimenting with all sorts of new things. Her sister (10-25-11) has flown up to the side of the brooder box that they have been in for a few weeks, and Elly just looks at her like "how did you get up there?" It won't be long until she is flying too! Elly was ahead of her sister as far as perching and trying pellets, but sissy passed her on flying. Our hand feeder has TAG's that she raised and they are a month older than Elly and they still like to be hand fed as a comfort feeding. They take a little longer to ween than most birds, so I am told. Hopefully the time will pass quickly and our babies will be home soon!



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