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I have a BIG problem. Help!!!!


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I personally don't offer nutriberries. I'm not crazy about the ingredients and don't feel comfortable with offering those EVEN though I used to a few years ago. Now I know better.


Anyway, regarding NUTS and seeds, I purchase them individually at my local organic grocery food store. A bit for me, a bit for my flock. I also make my own sprouts for them too. VERY popular with my flock.


Regarding Treats.. I purchase them from Avian Organics. She ships internationally and my flock ENJOYs the treats IMMENSELY and daily. Their favourites are Gourmet Truffles, Cupid Cookies, Mayan Crunch, Aztec Almonds, Bolivian Blast, Mango Medley and Mayan Gourmet Mash.


In terms of treat and nut offering. Some things just take alot of time. This is normal and to be expected. Don't discourage. Be patient and keep offering. Try offering just a few at a time to avoid waste. Let him see you eating some as well so he knows those are ok to eat. Try to find creative ways to introduce him to new foods and those he doesn't seem too fond of but you know are healthy for him.


Here's the link to AO http://www.avianorganics.com/

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Zoom, I already did. Now, we'll see. He started to play with his planet pleasures pinata toy:-) My plan exactly ;-)

Lovethatgrey, I'll checkout the treats you mentioned :-) Tnx :-)


For now, I figured he may start being less depressed/stressed if I introduce more sunlight-for he hasn't got it enough. Since we moved in our new apartment I can't use the lamp I had anymore so today I bought a holder and a reflector (from UK) for his full spectrum bulb and now we''ll see how that goes. -If there will be any changes.. And another thing I'm gonna do is buy manzanita perches and make a foraging tree. If someone knows a store from which to order, with reasonable prices please let me know. Any other ideas what could influence him?

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It certainly does look like he ate that piece of paper he rolled around in his beak, I have seen Josey do that but she eventually drops it and doesn't swallow it. Do you have an avian vet you can ask about this problem as he will know more than we do what may be going on with Zak.

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Yes, I contacted her already but she is not sure why is this happening. She said it is not good for him to swallow (obviously) but she also says (because she knows me quite well) that this isn't a malnutrition thing. She is guessing whether it is boredom.

I'm really puzzled but as I already mentioned, I think it is stress related. Maybe Zak is bored (when I'm not home) regardless of his toys. I'll be buying more toys very soon. Not eatable ones tho.


Maybe a bit of sun and me trying to spend even more time with him will make a difference but till then I want to try everything. Different food, toys...so mention what ever comes in your mind..


I'm really having problems with parts for my manzanita foraging tree, so if anyone has a recommendation where to buy,it would mean a lot. Lots of people doesn't ship worldwide or the prices are preposterous and I must have in mind that shipping it here will cost a fortune. I thought about using some local tree but i first need to find one, than sandblast it,..-it would take ages.. Any suggestions..?

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Morana... Wingy has EXCELLENT advice! I'm sorry I made the video a " no big deaL". iT obviously is a big deal to you. I apologize. If your bird eats cardboard or paper... Yes, they WILL poop it out. Of course, I agree with your worry that ingesting the glue, is not healthy. I understand you are feeling guilty that you can't be there for your bird as much as you would desire. We all go thru that! Your bird is acting 100& normal. Some greys only like shreddable toys. Thats Sophie! Everything your bird is doing is NORMAL! Your bird reminds me sooo much of Sophie. She is 12 now, and a very happy young lady.

I work tons of hours too. Its not the quantity of hours, but the quality. Today only my day off. Sophie and I hung out all day. Whether it be doing the wash.... Nancy

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Branches from an unsprayed apple tree. Get the list of safe trees and contact a arborist.


I already asked my vet about what trees I can use so I know the safe ones, it just I didn't know how to get it. Still don't but you gave me a push which I needed so I'll be contacting whoever I can find ;-)


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To find an arborist in your area you can look in a business directory or contact a nearby university. If you still have difficulty you could try asking a organic grocer for the name of the orchard owner who supplies their apples.

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Now you guys got me thinking... I love to use a smoker for cooking and often times buy "chunks" of woods to smoke with.


I just send this inquiry to this company -




Hello - I'm thinking about buying your sample pack for my parrot to chew on.


Do you know if any chemicals/pesticides have been used on the trees these chunks originate from (e.g. are they considered organic)?









about this product they have




I will have to research whether all 10 varieties are safe...



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Good thinking GT_Jacket.

Morana... Wingy does alot of toy building of her own. Maybe she can help you with ideas for alternative toys. She has many fantastic ideas! Sophie LOVES to be read too, and I have done so since I got her. She goes crazy when she sees me reading a book. She thinks its for her. I have to give her a " children's book", just so I can read. I have to be careful, watch her while she is pretending to read, since I am concerned about the " ink". Nancy

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Morana how about coconut? Its edible, can be cut thin into cardboard type strips and its hard, peeled strips of carrot might work for you too. Fruit or vegie leather is another possibility. It is possible to make it yourself in the oven on a baking sheet. I'll think on this some more. Its been a while since I've made toys and destructibles for "big" birds.

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Morana how about coconut? Its edible, can be cut thin into cardboard type strips and its hard, peeled strips of carrot might work for you too. Fruit or vegie leather is another possibility. It is possible to make it yourself in the oven on a baking sheet. I'll think on this some more. Its been a while since I've made toys and destructibles for "big" birds.

What do you do with a coconut/carrot? Do I dry it, bake it? What is Fruit or veggie leather?

Thank you wingy, you're giving me hope and ideas! :-D Lately I don't see the forest from the trees.

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Long strips of coconut or carrot can be baked on an oven sheet or right on the grate to get the moisture out or offered as they are. Google oven baked fruit leather. Its pureed fruit or vegies that is poured thin in a baking pan and dehydrated in your oven. It won't be crispy, more like damp cardboard.


If your bird is going to chew and swallow be sneaky and offer food that has some of the same textures.

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Long strips of coconut or carrot can be baked on an oven sheet or right on the grate to get the moisture out or offered as they are. Google oven baked fruit leather. Its pureed fruit or vegies that is poured thin in a baking pan and dehydrated in your oven. It won't be crispy, more like damp cardboard.


If your bird is going to chew and swallow be sneaky and offer food that has some of the same textures.

We'll be trying this this weekend! :-D
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Slaps palm against forehead. How about dried bread? I know there are recipes for birdie bread here on the forum or you could use almost any healthy whole grain bread. You can make rounds, hearts, stars, wrap strips around something oven safe to make cork screws or circles. Ultra thin slices dry the fastest and your oven should be set very low.


Something I have done in the past is use uncooked tube pasta and stuff the ends with a mixture of peanut butter, crushed pellets, oat groats and millet. I made that mix with just enough peanut butter to hold it together and let it stick in the ends of the pasta. You can make your own peanut or nut butter by just grinding the heck out of a handful of nuts in a food processor or blender with good blades or with a mortar and pestle if you have really strong arms.

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Morana, I really hope that this weirdness with Zak gets figured out soon, and that some of these lovely suggestions ^^ are helpful to you both. Please give Zak a kiss for me, I know he's not trying to be a difficult boy, but you are being such a good mommy to him and even if he's put-out by being limited from some of his favorite toys right now, I'm sure he still realizes you love him and are just trying to help him. :)


And the dehydrated veggie strips sound wonderful! Hopefully he'll fall for something like that very quickly. It makes me think that he might possibly like sheet Nori (a seaweed) for that purpose, too, since it's rather like paper when you take it out of the box. Winged Wisdom bird magazine has a little snippet online about how the seaweeds "protect parrots as well as humans against several gram positive and gram negative bacteria known to potentiate carcinogens in the system. They posses anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-tumor properties. They are powerful immunostimulants." You might want to look into it all a little more to verify it at another source (I generally like to), but if it's okay, that might be another option for Zak if he likes eating 'paper' so much.

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The suggestions are absolutely great!:-D I thank you all once more:-) I like the Nori suggestion. I read about positive effects on humans quite a while ago, but don't know anything about how would it affect parrots. It will have to wait a little bit tho, till I check it out and till I find somewhere to buy it (if it is ok for Zak and not too expensive). -Zak got a kiss, thank you MarcusCAG;-)

I'm not so sure about him realizing how much I love him. Today he flipped when I went to work:-((( He was positively nervous and the worst thing is that this week I work till really late:-S I'm so sad to see him like this. He is a nervous wreck. I know he is not doing anything on purpose, but that just makes it worse. I feel so helpless and guilty. Now, I made tents from blankets and I hid myself in one (obviously the biggest one) and he would usually run to play with me or to stuck his head into one of the tents but today-nothing! He wouldn't even come to me:-( And as the school year progress I'll work more and more:-( I just hate it!

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Thank you chezron:-)


Well, progress is being made. Zak is playing with Planet pleasures pinata toys so I'll be ordering new contingent soon ;-)

Zak is not allowed anywhere near paper so he is stocking my papers/materials for school whenever I am working..:-S

He seems frustrated with me being away. Some days it is really bad when I have to leave to work:-(

His holder and reflector came and we will be installing them in a few days time. There are some adjustments to be made before installation;-)


Guys, if you have info about people/stores selling manzanita/java perches in Europe please let me know because trying to find someone in EU who would be willing to ship here is proving to be impossible:-S And shipping from US EXTREMELY expensive:-(((

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