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Nilah vs Pink Dog


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As I posted in the Photography Room, my daughter dyed my bijon with food coloring...he is pink!!


This is a terrible video, but you can hear Nilah yelling as our pink dog was in the kitchen, and she was in the living room. This was after about a half hour or so....


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Oh Nilah, you are such a stylish little lady sitting by the tangerine orange chain, vocally trying to point your parront in the right direction! The new 2012 color of the year! What a color conscience lady you are!


Oh a different note, I never knew change affected our zons so much. Very enlightening I must say!

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Be very careful and check your states animal cruelty laws. It is illegal to dye your pets fur in Florida and it may be in other areas too.


It is only food coloring and washes right out. But thank you for that FL info. It is NOT illegal to dye in my state as long as it is non toxic. There are groomers in this state that will do it for you.

Edited by Talon
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It is only food coloring and washes right out. But thank you for that FL info. It is NOT illegal to dye in my state as long as it is non toxic. There are groomers in this state that will do it for you.


Whew. On the washing right out thing, maybe not. I used green food color on my child when we couldn't find face paint and colored hairspray Halloween morning. That child walked around with green tint until almost Thanksgiving. I suggested that we didn't need a Christmas tree that year.. we could just move the time out chair to the corner and add some tinsel. :D

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I can not even breathe. "Oh my god, that dog that dog" I laughed so hard I couldn't stand it. You have nearly won me over to get an Amazon, right NOW! Java and Gilbert are still laughing at me laughing at Nilah. That has to be one of the hundred thousand dollar winners on Funniest Home Videos. You have my vote.

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Oh have mercy, I had to go back and watch it five more times. Nilah is perfectly calm in her body language and she doesn't seem frightened or distressed into flight or anything but she sure is letting her opinion of the situation be known. I am telling you, I laughed so hard, I have my new braces caught in my lip and yet I couldn't help myself from hitting the replay button just one more time.

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Oh my gosh! You all have me laughing in hysterics with your comments! It was soooo funny seeing her behavior as she was yelling and flying thru the house. At one point, I couldn't find her, so I was calling her, "Nilah?, Nilah where are you?" to which she replied, "bird?, hi bird"... That went on a few times. She was perched on the light in the downstairs bathroom. Next thing I knew, she came flying out screaming, "NO NO NO NO NO NO! STOP IT! OH MY GOD! MAKE IT STOP!!!! NO NO NO STOP IT! STOP IT! OH MY GOD! NO NO NO NO!!!" the entire time, she was flying thru the house with this non stop screaming.....I thought my daughter and I were going to pee our pants we were laughing so hard! I felt guilty laughing, but I couldn't help myself.....


This morning, when I got her up, she was very cautious, and sitting on her kitchen potty basket with her eyes pinning as she looked down at the dog, but she seems to have accepted he is pink!

Talon on the other hand.........forgot he was pink when I got her up, and she flew off, then I could see the look of, " oh ya, I remember now, that noisy creature is pink!

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You've brought so many GOOD things to the forum these past few wks......


Starting our new rm, showing us your visit to Bird Paradise but the vid of Nilah's reaction to her pink dog is by far the best !!! I just can't stop thinking and chuckling about it !!!!


Thank you for all you do to make us all happy :)

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I wouldn't have thought your birds would have had such strong reactions to your puppy dog being dyed, but Nilah was obviously upset! I showed the video to my hubby last night, and after he saw the pics of your bijon (sp?) in the other thread he suggested that, if parrots can see colors differently than we do, perhaps the pink fur appeared to be more a deep red, like blood? :( Maybe that could explain part of their fearful reactions, maybe they thought your dog was really hurt or something--if in fact their eyes do see the spectrum a bit differently than we do (in that way).

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Ho-ly Cow! Poor Nilah! I watched this twice. Both times my guys were looking everywhere for whatever horrible thing was going on. But I couldn't help laughing ...and feeling guilty, all at the same time. Much too funny!! I cannot believe Nilah got so-o-o freaked out! Or that she was that vocal in human if she was. Whole new definition to hysterical. lol

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I wouldn't have thought your birds would have had such strong reactions to your puppy dog being dyed, but Nilah was obviously upset! I showed the video to my hubby last night, and after he saw the pics of your bijon (sp?) in the other thread he suggested that, if parrots can see colors differently than we do, perhaps the pink fur appeared to be more a deep red, like blood? :( Maybe that could explain part of their fearful reactions, maybe they thought your dog was really hurt or something--if in fact their eyes do see the spectrum a bit differently than we do (in that way).


Those were my thoughts exactly....she must see a color we can't see. BUT, my other bijon got into a xmas present that belonged to my mother, ( it was up high, can't figure out how he did) but before we knew what happened, he had eaten an entire pumkin? bread? Well, he had an allergic reaction to whatever was in it. ($200 vet bill later) He broke out in Itchy bumps all over his body, and rubbed his nose a raw bloody mess. His entire face on his white body, and many spots all over his body, was a bloody mess. So I am sure Nilah saw him as although I kept washing him, he was bleeding.....it didn't bother them at all.

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years ago, athena totally tripped out when i got a perm!!! i had the curls when i got her, then about a year later it was time for a new perm and when i got home, she freaked, lol!! it took her about a week to not go into her "alarm" mode for awhile whenever i came in the room! i tried wearing a hat, pulling it back in a ponytail, etc, but she was having none of it. i'd talk to her and reassure her i was mommy bird and things were alright, but she'd look at me like, you sound like mommy bird, but you sure don't look like mommy bird, what'd you do with the mommy bird!! of course this is the same silly girl that has a conniption fit if the vacuum is a certain color, won't touch a yellow pellet to save her life, and some how thinks that fruits and veggies somehow taste infinitely better when my husband gives them to her than when i do, hahahahaha!!!

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