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A Pink Bijon & my birds!


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Today, my 19 year old daughter (who has been itching to do this for several years) thought it would be fun to dye one of our bijon's.......so after much research on her part making sure it was safe....she dyed him with red food coloring......here he his:




Well, after she dried him off with the hair dryer, the 2 of them came prancing down the stairs......much to our surprise, the birds took off screaming their heads off and flying as they were yelling thru the entire house! They are frantic! Our other bijon is still white...

Rikki is a bit startled, but is remaining calm and just looking with caution, and hanging out on our shoulder.

Talon is perched on the top of the curtain and screeching that african grey screech they do when they are very frightened as she stares down at the dog.

Nilah on the other hand is flying and screaming like I have never heard! She keeps yelling, " NOOOOO, MAKE IT STOP, OH MY GOD!!, NO NO NO NO NO NO, UGH," and then words I cant make out, then she starts all over again.


I have some video of Talon & Nilah yelling, I will post it later on for you to hear. I am stunned at their reaction to our dog. They have since calmed down a bit, but when ever he goes in the same room, they either fly away, or Nilah starts screaming at him!

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