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No bites louie!!!!


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Wow! That is great to see. I saw several very telling signs in Louie. One, he has a history of being terrorized by the human hand, you can see it in his body language. All he knows from his past is to bite to get that human hand away before it does harm to him. Second, I see him listen and watch your reactions and wondering why you don't pull away by his intimidation. Third,I see him listening intently to you, wanting to trust you, but yet his past telling him not too, but he decides to listen to your encouraging voice and step up onto your hand! Wonderful accomplishment for both you and him!

Then....I see a bite like i have felt when Nilah gets mad at me for not listening to her ....a big bite trying to get you to do what he knows from his past, but you don't!


Excellent patience on your part! Those bites are not like a grey bite, I find amazon bites to be much more hurtful and requires willpower to not react so they feel they have one the battle! Nice work!!

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It is true Penny, that Louie did bite me. But, he does not really bite all that hard; certainly not like he did in the beginning. In the beginning he used the tip of his beak, he no longer bites me that way. His bite looks mean yes, but not very hurtful. I believe the reason he flew off was because I moved my fingers. If I had left my fingers still, he would have not flown away. We have worked hard to be trust each other and I know he will some day, perhaps very soon he will be ready to really trust me. You read my Louie very well Penny. In his heart he so wants to trust me and be close to me. It is hard to be patient and wait.

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I find it much easier to read an amazon than a grey, they really wear their heart on their (wing) sleeve.......he DOES trust you, but remember, one day in his past, he trusted a human and that trust was terribly broken. It will take several baby steps like you are doing, and he will realize that you're different and he will trust you completely, he already is trying,which is HUGE for him! Your patience is tobe commended. If Louie had any other owner, I don't believe he would ever be able to trust and love again,you are making his life a happy one and he sees it. He also sees that you are allowing him to do it on his own terms and in his own time. That will build a bond like no other.

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I don't have experience w/ Zons but being that next month I've had Roscoe two years --- I DO know the meaning of patience & bites !!!


Louie has that same hesitation, also the bites (actually chewing) with the progress, poor babies are so reluctant.... I'm sure Roscoe doesn't mean to bite sometimes - he immediately rubs his head & makes kissy sounds afterwards. That chomp is their way to keep us from getting to their body - protection mechanism.


To see Louie step up is amazing... He didn't object to your hand... It seemed that he didn't like you moving away from your knee. No other option than to fly away. Would he step back & forth from your knee to your hand ????? Just my observation .... :)

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At first I didn't realize that was a video, so I went back to check again after reading comments. I can not tell you the feeling that welled up in me when I saw his tentative start, then a step up. I know how long you have wanted this for Louie and as much of an emotional joy that it gave me has to be magnified by thousands for you to reach this moment with your boy! Here I was thinking how hard it would be to learn Hindi at this point in my life but you and Louie are bridging the language barrier. Amazing Amazon!

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I absolutely love that between Louie & Nilah I'm getting a Zon insight !!!! You two girls & your birdies are amazing.... ( Oh... & Ray w/ Cricket, I can't forget him !!)


I would be interested if some of you would post in the Amazon Room the marked differences btw. the Grey & the Amazon or perhaps; direct me to a previous thread that might enlighten me :)

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Yay, congratulations!! You and Louie make such a great team together... Hooray for his first official step-up! :)


In some respects I'm in the same boat as you with our Tybalt, he is just stepping up now and I'll look into his blue eyes and think, I know you want to trust me more, and I want to trust you, but how can we do this without making each other too nervous in the meanwhile? He gave me a 'clown nose' last week when he tried to "kiss" me like the other parrots "kiss" us--but he has no idea about pressure or anything yet! So it's all baby steps when it comes to so many of these parrots, the baby steps that add up to big accomplishments; and with enough time, respect, and love, I believe it will be like these issues we fret about so much now, were never there. :)

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