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Parrot in the grass


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Hmmmm My iPad is having trouble loading it I will try again later. Is your grey on a harness?


Nope, I'm his third owner and I'm really afraid he will start feather plucking if I try. And I don't want that such a smart animal stays in my room his whole life. So I clipped his wings and now I take him everywhere I go. Shopping, on holiday, in the train, on my bicycle. He really enjoys being outside and he sees something from the world. He isn't stuck in my house all day and the sunlight is really good for him. And sometimes when I go to my grandma or friends, Koekie goes with me. He has fresh air and gets very social.

In february I have my english speech on my school. I'm doing it about the intelligence of parrots and then Koekie is going with me. So I can show his tricks and tell the people that parrots are very smart and that you shouldn't underestimate them.


Have you never seen a bird shopping?



Or birds in a cafeteria


Edited by Koekie
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Great video but my heart almost stopped when I saw you're birdie doesn't have a harness. I must say, that is really dangerous. Please read all the posts about harnessing and many threads where people explained how clipped bird can still fly off and get lost/hurt. Wouldn't want that cutie pie to get hurt.

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I can't watch a bird outside with no harness......I don't believe a bird is totally safe no matter how clipped their wings are. Just my opinion based on the horror stories I hear regarding others


Well, I'm sorry that you couldn't enjoy my video.

But I clipped their wings. I have never had any problems with it, and the parrotfoundations in the Netherlands all recommend it. What is a little wierd. But with this way, my bird can feel the sunlight every day, and that really important for his physical and mental well being. And I am not going to try a harnass at this moment, because he one year old, and I got him for only 3 months. I don't want a bald unhappy bird.

And their birds fly away, my bird never tries he just enjoy the weather.

Do you have a link about flying clipped birds? Because I have never heard of it and I want to learn. Does that happen often?

I can't imagine that my bird would fly away. You must be very unlucky when something like that happent. The wind must hit the wings exactly on the right spot. A budgie doesn't weight alot, but a parrot...

Edited by Koekie
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That is nice you are able to take your birds out and about, I doubt they would allow any in restaurants or eating places here because of possible food contamination but you really should be rethinking the idea of taking them outside like that even with the wings clipped, there have been many birds who took flight and flew away never to be seen again because they had the false sense of security that with clipped wings they couldn't fly off. If given the proper wind and something spooks them they will do what comes natural to prey birds, they try to take flight and maybe succeed. I would hate to have you lose one of them because of that, something to think about.

I enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing it with us.

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I will just say I definitely enjoyed your video. Thank you very much for sharing. Also, they are very cute when they are out shopping with you. I take my birds shopping at the petstore too!


Our birds can choose their own toys!:D

although, I have the habit too desinfect the toys and put them 24 hours in the freezer :P

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Well, I'm sorry that you couldn't enjoy my video.

But I clipped their wings. I have never had any problems with it, and the parrotfoundations in the Netherlands all recommend it. What is a little wierd. But with this way, my bird can feel the sunlight every day, and that really important for his physical and mental well being. And I am not going to try a harnass at this moment, because he one year old, and I got him for only 3 months. I don't want a bald unhappy bird.



I am afraid I am one of those who hate to see a clipped parrot but I did enjoy your video. I loved your pictures in the shop and it is nice to see how well all your birds get along.There are a number of discussions on this forum about clipping so I won't go into the argument here. As for harnesses now is the best time to try one. Your bird is still very young and would not be troubled very much. There is no reason why that would make him bald. He is at an age where he may go through one or two moults over the next couple of years anyway. Harnessing is more difficult with older birds. Your Koekie looks like a healthy and happy bird but he is a bird and birds are meant to fly and that is also very important for their mental and physical wellbeing. Your parrot foundations seem to care more for the convenience of the human parrot keeper than the well being of the parrot. I hope you never take him in the street because a sudden noise from a car could send him into uncontrolled flight and danger!


Steve n Mistyparrot

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Koekie, I meant no harm or insult in my comment earlier. I just want to clarify a bit so nothing is misunderstood. I DO believe that birds should not be clipped, but that is my own personal opinion not to be argued here or ever. We all do what works best for our situation and I have complete respect for the decisions that others make although I may or may not agree.


The reason i couldnt bring myself to watch is because i have heard soooo many cases where a 'clipped' bird is out like yours is, and the owner is all confident that their bird can not fly, and next thing you know, they get frightened, a wind gust comes and their bird is lost forever. Inhave personally spoken to people who this has happened to. Just 2 months a gon, i consoled a complete stranger on the phone who lost her beloved bird and i was helping via internet trying to help her find her bird. I asked her how her bird escaped, and she said , " her wings were clipped and i took her out on my balcony like i do every day after work, something startled her and she flew between the bars on my balcony and is gone...."

I hear these stories over and over. The furnace repair man was at my home to fix it and he told me how he had a cockatoo whose wings were clpped, he went outside while it was on his shoulder like he always does, and the wind came along and it flew off never to be seen again.

It is just MY opinion and my belief that a clipped bird isn't any safer than an unclipped bird. right or wrong, I am stubborn and that is how I feel. I don't fault anyone here who feels otherwise, it just doesn't sit right with me.


Having said all that, I feel you are a WONDERFUL owner, caring, loving, very attentive to your birds and their needs. I can see you are always researching and trying to give your birds the best life possible. I commend you for that and have the highest respect for you. I have 4 kids of my own, 12, 17, 19, and 22 years old. So the fact that you are only 16 and treat your birds the way you do, I am in awe of you and you should be proud! Your birds certainly are lucky to have you as their parront!


I so much enjoy your pictures and videos. Keep them coming and I am happy to have you a part of our family here!

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I think Talon explained that perfectly. Some of us may, or may not agree with clipping, and the many other choices that make up our responsibilities as parrot owners. But when it all comes down to it, I think we are all on the same page as far as loving our birds, and wanting what is best for them, whatever our opinion of that is. We, as people must make our own choices in how we will care for our animals, and no one knows your bird as well as you do. Every bird, and what works for them, is as different as as what works best for different humans. Make the choice that you feel makes the most sense for you, and your flock. There is no sense whatsoever in arguing with one another about clipping, not clipping, or whatever else...and honestly it is not our place to tell someone what choices to make on these subjects. HOWEVER, it is our place to give them solid research, positive AND negative points on the subject, and various information to allow them to make an informed decision for themselves.


That said, I second you being a wonderful parront to your birds, and so highly responsible that I am incredibly impressed. Keep up the good work!

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thank you for the reacion :)

I'm glad to hear different opinions, because only hearing about that you have to clip their wings is wrong.

It's a bit scary that that happens quit often. :S But for my situation is clipping his wings the best. So I can leave him on the top of his cage with his toys. He doesn't fly of and goes destroying things. And it's also handy for when I go to collage, when I life in a different room.

I do like the aviator suit. My pyrrhura had that first. But he had to stay in the cage when I went to school. So I clipped his wings and now he's always playing on the birdtree, or by the window when I'm at school.

When I go outside with Koekie, if always hold his toes with my thumb. I don't know if it helps, but it helps for me.

He is not afraid at all. Not for cars, bikers, dogs. So I'm happy about that because it reduces the chance of flying away.

I do appreciate the reactions, I'm hear to learn and hear different opinions. :)

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Well, I just have to say this.. One day you'll "forget" to hold feet of your birdie because something can startle you and there is a chance not that your bird flies off somewhere far, but just falls from the safety of your hand..In the street it might bee enough to harm it very much-..a dog; a person who doesn't look where he/she is going; a car; a bicycle; whatever that comes along..- a bird on the ground can be easily harmed. Especially if it leaps suddenly. I'm not saying don't clip your bird, or don't take it outside. I'm saying do the responsible thing-better safe than sorry. Do what ever you can to ensure your lovely birds safety. And younger birds are more prone to excepting what ever you bring their way, so aviator suit is a good idea to try as soon as possible..

BTW, I have a story that goes: my bird NEVER .....(in my case) eat paper or cardboard and I had him for almost 10 years, but guess what, he does now! It just happened one day..My point is-if it didn't happened till now it doesn't mean you are safe for a lifetime..

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Enough of the clipping/non-clipping debate. There are threads in the Health Room to address these. It is quite apparent that Koekie is a very responsible parront and frankly knows what she is doing with her healthy and well loved fids. So let it go.


Koekie, I look forward to watching your videos and watching your flock. So very happy you are now part of the Grey Family!!

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