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Greys eye coloring


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The white skin surrounding the eyes and above the nares can turn pinkish under some conditions. I have heard its like blushing but cannot say that is substantiated. It could be when they are warm, when blood flow changes etc. I have noted this on Kip when she seems excited, but I really cannot conclude it is akin to blushing from the limited observations I've been able to make of this event to date.

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No, I don't believe that is true. The eye of a parrot is pretty much the same as humans...only they are able to see a larger spectrum of light than we can. The white of the eye would only change to a pink color if there was infection or foreign body in/on the eyeball irritating it...just like with humans. Blushing occurs when blood rushes to the skin and is visible from underneath...just like if you just ran until you were completely out of breath on a hot day...your whole face turns red. The iris will change dilatations with mood, so that would change when a human mate came in the room.

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Athena "blushes" all the time. I think it's just when she gets excited, active or very happy, all of which seem to cause an increase in her body temperature. There is definitely a relation (at least in her) to body temperature and the pink color, though sometimes I have no idea why she's heating up.


So maybe when she's pink for no apparent reason, she's just happy her momma is close by ;-)

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Guest briansmum

to be honest i'd never noticed untill i read this, but today brian got a bit pink when i was cleaning out his cage (he LOVES to watch me clean his cage), when i refilled his toy bucket and he got to throw them all over again and when i fed him baby food. i too think it is an excitement thing, a sign your grey is very happy

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