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Why I Love Birds


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I saw this posted on facebook and had to share with you all as it is the honest truth.

If you have ever wondered why I love the birds so much, letme explain:

1. They're easy to please. As long as they have the foods,toys, care, and housing they need, they're pretty content. They never tell yousomething you've done wasn't good enough.

2. They're easy to understand. If they bite, they don't likewhat you're doing. There's no games, no guessing, no silent treatment, and nohurtful words or actions.

3. They're easy to let into your heart. They never make youfeel badly about yourself, never say you're lazy, stupid, fat, ugly. They nevertake back their affection: you either have it, or you don't.

4. They don't judge you. You're never wearing the wrongskirts, it never matters what your hair looks like, and that extra 10 poundsisn't a reason to take away their affection.

5. They're never too angry to talk to you, or so angrythey're mean. They're actions are always preceded by an antecedent. If you getbit, its because you didn't pay attention to the signals, not because you madethe wrong ham for dinner..

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