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On Sunday morning, I will be receiving a rescued African Grey CAG and have one question.


I have a home office and spend 99% of my day/night there. I usually wake around 8am and go to bed around 2am (yes, I put in long hours but I am my own boss).


I plan to keep the male, 9 year-old with me in that environment but I am concerned about him sleeping.


I usually have the TV on in the home/office until I go to bed and am wondering if I should move him to a different room at his bedtime so he can get his rest or would he be OK with the TV playing and me working?


I would have to get a night time cage since the cage I have is too big to move around.


Your help and suggestions would be much appreciated.



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Hello, and welcome to the forum! As far as your Grey goes, he will be needing 10-12 hours a sleep a night to stay healthy. Unfortunately he will not be able to sleep with the TV on, and you working in the same room. If it were me, I would get a separate sleep cage (it does not need to be as large as his daytime cage), and put it in a different room that will be dark, quiet, and allow him to sleep. The only issue here is, since he is a rescue, he may not be willing to step up for you right away. Is there no where else in the home that he can be in his big cage that he will get attention and out of cage time until he has settled in a bit? You may very well run into this problem. Sometimes it can take months, even years to earn a rescues trust to the point that they will step up to you willingly....sometimes it never happens at all.

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Thanks for your quick reply DawL. I have visited him at the rescue numerous times and the folks there were amazed the first time I put my hand into the cage, he stepped up and we bonded like long lost friends. It has happened every time and I have had him on my shoulder, and arm with no issues. Not one attempt to bite or any signs of issues.


He was shaking a bit the first time I met him, but after that, he has been fine.


I think I will try the sleep cage method. I've read no food, just water and a toy or two. Is that correct?

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Well, since the Grey seems to be so well adjusted, that will definitely help you out! You can try to just cover the large cage in your office, but I think the sleep cage would be an easier way to go. Some people keep their fids in the same room with them, covered, when they are still awake, but I think with rescues they are already nervous and having trouble sleeping at first, so this may be the better way to go for you. I do not use sleep cages. My fids are all in my living room, but I have a den downstairs, along with a bathroom, and bedroom...so once it is bedtime, I move downstairs.


As far as the sleep cage goes, it does not need to have food in it, but you will have to get up early and make your fid breakfast. They get up when the sun rises, so be prepared to get up, make breakfast, and move to the bigger cage. Yes, water should always be available, and as far as toys go, yes I would provide a few. Also, let your Grey spend some time on, and in the sleep cage during the day for awhile so that he can get used to it.

Edited by DawL
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Hello Pkwjr and welcome to our family and congrats on taking in a rescued grey.

I agree with the idea of a separate sleep cage since you are up late at night but I would put a little food in the sleep cage for greys are foragers meaning they eat at any time during the day and he might want a snack during the night, it doesn't have to be much but something in case he gets hungry.

The travel cage would be an excellent sleep cage and it will come in handy if you have to take him to the vet or just out and about as I would recommend anyway, they need some sun and fresh air just like us.

Can't wait to see some pictures and does he have a name yet?

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Bernie certainly has kept me busy since receiving him on Monday.


My life has turned upside down and now I think like Bernie does. Although I still can't figure out why he tosses his food dish, even while the food he likes is in it.


He loves head scratches and wants them all the time. He has only said one thing so far, "Watch ya doin?" in a baritone voice like I have.


I am learning his moods and adjust to them, but I know I have a lot to learn but I am willing to do so.







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Hello and Welcome to our family! I have a sleep cage in my bedroom for one of my greys. It does have some toys in it, and DEFINITELY some food and water. I do hear her nibbling at night and early in the am. I cover it with a dark sheet which drapes down about half way. (her cage is kind of big) (all my birds are covered at night) I know when I have the tv on in my bedroom too late, or she hears noise from me or my dogs, she gets mad and rings her bell to tell us to shut up!


I would recommend a sleep cage, but WITH food and waterso he can eat if he wants. One more thing...FYI, my grey NEVER poops in her sleep cage ever....:)

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pkwjr... What a handsome boy Bernie is! I also agree with the separate sleeping cage.Many rescued or rehomed birds just "take", right away to their new parent. Sunny our rescue sunconure certainly did when he met Ryan more than a decade ago. Hasn't changed since. There was no adjustment for Ryan and Sunny. Just the rest of us! LOL! Sunny loves us all now... but he is bonded to Ryan. Nancy

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